Who is Sprittibee?
The short answer: I’m a homeschool mom of 4 and a Central Texas area wedding, portrait, art, food and event photographer, a social media guru (read: I help other people shine) and blogger. If you don’t have time to read more, you can hop over to my photography site and take a look at some samples of my work. I also blog my photos in posts here, along with sharing about our farm life, homeschool life, and so much more.
Wait there’s more!
For the rest of you not looking for social media help, portraits or event photography coverage… here’s the long answer:
Sprittibee is my nickname (it’s OK if you can’t say it… I get that a lot). My real name is Heather. I became a blogger in my early 30’s after happening upon someone else’s blog where I had to register to comment. I figured… “Hey, why not? My husband won’t read my emails…I might as well inflict them on others.” It was a good thing for routers and servers everywhere. I’m certain that people in my email address book got together to throw a party. I’ve been a blog enthusiast ever since that fateful day, waaaaay back in 2005 (which makes me a blogging dinosaur – since that was around the time that dirt was invented in computer years).

Quick Stats:
Marital Status: Happily Married to my King Bee for over 28 years.
Kids: 4 Worker Bees (24, 22, 12, and 10) – their birthdays are all in the winter and spring, and these are their 2021 ages!
Homeschooling: for 20 years…and we’re still getting our feet wet.
Faith: Christian (Anti-denominational! I don’t believe in division.)
3 Cats – Indie, Loki & Lucky
6 Cows – We have Guernsey, Longhorn and Jersey Cattle
54 Chickens – various breeds, colors, ages… and varying degrees of crazy
…and all the wild animals out here in with us on the Central Texas prairie where we live (seriously, we see animals daily and some live various places around the farm, even under our house).
From: Born and raised in Texas, I currently live in the wild green yonder about an hour outside of the Austin area on a tiny Texas farm that has been in my family since November 13, 1918. I’ve been a city girl with weekend ties to the country most of my life, and now we are learning to farm as quick as we can before the weeds take over and the 100-year old farm-house turns to sawdust. Prayers appreciated!
Favorite Beverage: I mostly drink water, but I am working on my fermenting skills around here. I drink a serious amount of home made kombucha. I do enjoy an occasional store bought one (love Holy Kombucha, Humm, Health-Ade and GT’s). I haven’t made it in a while, but I also like water kefir, and home-made Thai Tea that doesn’t have a drop of sugar added. Once or twice a year, I indulge in decaf Espresso with frothed milk. Coffee is not my friend, as much as I’d love it to be.
Bible Verse: “And all your children will be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.” ~ Isaiah 54:13

I used to be huge into Instagram. I miss it. Even when I couldn’t find time to blog, I used to crank out a little snippet of our life there to remember all the crazy things that happen in in a day: homeschool, farming, feeding the cows/cow-punks, and everything in-between.
After 2021, I started spending more time in Telegram than any social media. I sort of gave up blogging because I’ve felt like America isn’t what it used to be and the planet is spinning too fast. I plan to get back to my writing and photos here, though… because you have to be the change you want to see in the world. I hope you’ll stick around and comment to let me know you stopped by. I love comments.
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