Have you ever felt overloaded? Like you were drowning in the millions of things you thought you NEEDED to get accomplished in life? Do you have a super-mom syndrome? I know plenty of homeschool moms (including myself) that would answer any of those above questions with a resounding YES.
I am giving away TWO copies of the latest Karen Ehman book … Let.It.Go. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith.
I’m in this phase right now in my life and with my blogging. I haven’t mentioned it before now, but I’m letting go of a lot of online things soon. I can’t wait to read this book for myself because I know it will apply to my life.
Check out some of the content of this amazing book:
About Let.It.Go. :
Women are wired to control. We make sure the house is clean, the meals are prepared, the beds are made, the children are dressed, and everyone gets to where they’re going on time. But sometimes our strength of being conscientious can morph into the weakness of being a slight—or all out—control freak! This humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you learn how to control what you should, trust God with what you can’t, and more importantly, decide which one is which! Join Karen Ehman, a recovering control freak, as she enables you to:
- Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
- Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
- Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
- Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
- Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God
A companion video-based study for small groups with a Bible study guide is also available.
Are you with me in NEEDING to read this?
Want to win a copy for yourself? I’m giving two away to two commenters. If you can’t stand the suspense, you can buy it for yourself on Amazon. Just be sure to use my link so they know I did my job telling you about it. Go ahead and click the little book…
1. Comment on this post and tell me what you have on your plate and what you think you might let go of.
For more entries… (leave a separate comment for each entry or they won’t count)…
2. Follow me on twitter (leave your @twitterhandle in the comments).
3. Subscribe to my RSS (leave your email address in the comments).
4. Tweet this post (leave the url in the comments). You can do this daily.
5. Follow me on Pinterest (leave your Pinterest handle in the comments).
Give away ends December 7th. Winner will be chosen randomly and announced Saturday.
Mine is one of the blogs registered on LET.IT.GO.’s blog tour so if you leave a comment on this post your name will be entered into her final draw for a Kindle Fire! HURRY – ENDS TODAY, drawing on the 5th!
Karen also has a fun, 5 Day Christmas Challenge that you can participate in free of charge! She’ll help you get all the holidays under control so you can actually enjoy them. You can sign up TODAY ONLY here: 5 Day Christmas Challenge.
Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win one of two LET.IT.GO. books and a Kindle Fire! Winners will be notified via email.
{ Hope you win! }
Disclaimer: I was offered a free book in exchange for this give-away.
Hey sweet Heather! This book sounds awesome. I have an abundance of things I need to let go of in my life. You ready?
-Facebook (only checking in a couple of times per week or maybe even less)–this is the way I see FB. It’s a good tool when used appropriately. In my human mind, I use it appropriately. But when I dug into Scripture, it reminded me of a passage in 1 Timothy 5:12-13 about casting off our first faith (Christ), and wandering from house to house (gossipping, being nosey perhaps). This is no different than lurking on FB to see what’s going on with the bagillion friends we have (of which many we have no close relationship with). Yes, we can witness on FB. Yes, we can make an impact for Christ. Is that ALL we are doing? Okay…hopping off of the soap box.
-I’m letting go of anything that doesn’t glorify Christ. (with prayer and obedience–easier said than done).
-I’m TRYING to let go of self. Let me clarify what this means. By nature I am a selfish person. Yes, I do a lot here at home for my family. BUT…I need to have a heart more like Him. I need to think of others better than myself.
-I’m trying to let go of worry, and an anxious heart. This has been challenging, to say the very least, since our hearts were broken 2.5 years ago with Ethan going to heaven. The enemy wants to get in and destroy me, but he will not win! Staying in Scripture and praying all day long (just little prayers throughout the day), having an accountability partner (a sister in Christ), and not getting too caught up in this and that will help me to stay focused on Him!
-Okay…I think you can relate to this one for sure! An overloaded email box! I’m letting go of the 1001 subscriptions that I have to all of these websites. Yes, most of them are Christian Homeschooling sites…BUT, do I need to get emails everyday from everyone of them? No. Why? It takes time to comb through them, AND takes time away from my First Love and my family.
Did you make it to the end, Heather? 😉 Thank you for the review and giveaway!
You know I subscribe…have for years now! 😉
I follow you on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ethan1129/
Hey Heather
Well I have a lott on my plate, Ive been seperated from my husband now for 3 yrs, we have 7 children together, all are grown but the last 3. Which Ive been HSing now for 27 yrs. My children have gone back to their Dad’s bcause they are allowed to do whatever. My problem is I can’t LET GO….I miss my children so much Im making myself sick.
I am depressed, but I cannot see to work it out w/dad due to physical, emotional abuse and I almost had a mental breakdown 3 1/2 yrs ago. Im all alone and fell like just giving up sometimes. Enough said. Merry Christmas Heather!!!
Praying for you — and hoping you had a Merry Christmas regardless of the trails you are suffering through. I hope that your kids will appreciate and be there for you as you have for them. Take them in to prayer custody and every time you find yourself “not letting go”, then don’t. Don’t let go – turn it over to God and pray. Don’t let it depress you, let it make you obsessed with covering them in prayer. Not only will you be blessing yourself, but you will bless them, too – and God’s Word does not return void. Claim the scriptures over your kids. Claim the promises in His Word for them and for yourself. Don’t give up or give in – God is going to get you through it. The battle belongs to Him. All you have to do is stand.
FB: Beecharmer60
I am quitting my part-time, weekend job as of next weekend! :-). It did help me achieve a career goal, and I did help a couple of girls win scholarships (meaning I helped them with their essays, and if I hadn’t been in the job I wouldn’t have even known them).
I’m no longer maintaining a FB acct for my blog, and I don’t Tweet. I’m thinking of letting go my personal FB acct, too.
I’m trying to walk more in God’s grace and love and let the rest go!
I am learning to let go of perfectionism and control!
I am an email subscriber!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
I pinned this giveaway link on Pinterest!
I have four children and a home that never feels clean as well as the never ending laundry mountain. I guess I could let go my need to feel like the house should be clean.. it never is anyways and turn to God to help me feel satisfied with what I have right now.