Morgan (my 6 year old little girl) got her ears pierced today at the mall. She was so brave. Her cousins and a few friends have done it recently, and she was too scared up until now to try.
Before she would do it, she wanted me to go first. I got some tiny CZ studs put in my ear right above the earrings I already wear. No big deal, although it did sting a bit.
My mom did the same for me when I was 12. I told my mom I wouldn’t do it unless I saw that she could handle it… misery loves company!
So, Morgan and I both are wearing matching CZ earrings, and we continued a family tradition that my mom started so many years ago.
I told Morgan that she could get hers done again when she takes her daughter to get earrings some day. It reminded me of how fast time goes by – and how much I need to cherish these moments while they are here.
{ Kids are such a blessing. }