Every family has their own humor and silly quotes. Back in 2005, when I started blogging, I shared a few of my favorite “Bushisms” and a list of my family’s “isms” that were popular at the time. Like presidents, things change over time. I figured I would resurrect this old post and give it a fresh list and a few new photos. I couldn’t leave this little nose-picking family photo out (image below), though. Back then we didn’t have our two youngest sons. Kaden and Morgan were not much older than their little brothers are now! Time goes by so fast!
To give you an idea of what an “Ism” is, think back to President George W. Bush…
The word Bushism, no doubt will soon be added to the English dictionary. It will be defined as “a sentence spoken with wrong syntaxes or omitted words, so as to convey a different meaning (sometimes hilarious), yet the original, intended meaning is understood without difficulty. The objective of the speaker is clear.”
– Neria Harish Hebbar, MD (October 10, 2004) as found on IndiaNest.com.
Back before SNL got so tacky I couldn’t watch it any more, I used to enjoy the presidential skits. The Clinton and Bush stuff was hilarious. No way I would watch it now that they dumpster dived with Miley McNasty, but Phil Hartman was the bomb. I loved all the humor about Bush’s vocabulary additions during his time in office.
My favorite words Bush coined:
- Hispanically – done in a Hispanic way?
- Hispanos – many Hispanic people?
- nucular – of or pertaining to a nuclear war or weapon
- suiciders – suicide bombers
- pre-decease – die early*
- misunderestimate – mistakenly underestimate
- strategery – effective strategy
- embetterment – the opposite of embitterment/to improve your condition
- WMD – weapons of mass destruction (not actually from Bush, but the spin doctors maybe?)
*Of course, some of us are not as smart as the ivy-league, college educated “Dubya”. I discovered after a little research that one of his “isms” was an actual word:
“Predecease” is not a Bushism. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, it is a legal term meaning, “To die before another person.”
Go figure!
Back in 2005, this was my own list of “Isms” for our family. I’ve added some newer ones on at the end of each section (updated 2013, November):
- Ack-er-mer-dink – Accident
- Chick-a-fied – made girlish (or a person wearing a lot of pink)
- Crackadon – before the sun rises
- Pop a Cap – affectionately jest that you’ll be shot if you don’t comply
- Crackinal – Capitol (Kaden’s baby talk that stuck)
- air biscuit – a fart that hangs in the air and leaves a smelly cloud
- floating on estrogen – PMS (wild mood-swings and lots of crying for no reason)
- Dush – A Czech slang word that fills in for the American “Uh…”
- sita – we add this to lots of words to indicate a fondness for that particular person or thing
- money nazi – what my husband calls me when I do the checkbook
- Igumpie – I’m grumpy (Morgan’s baby talk that stuck)
- Vomit Volcano – a baby that spits a lot
- 4 Deep – having 4 people in a vehicle (“She’s ridin’ 4 Deep”)
- Freaky Freak – a person who is freaking-out, or the act of freaking out (going crazy)
- Coolie-Cool, Jazzy Jeff – Heather’s weird slang word that can be used interchangeably with Groovy or Cool
- Funkified – Messed up
- Snickerdoodle – wonderful greasy sugar cookies with cinnamon and sugar coating/cute little kids
- church hopping – going from church to church because you are not happy where you are
- dingleberry – something yuck hanging on the fur/hind-end of a cat who’s just used the litter box
- slide remark – SNIDE remark, my husband slipped in an argument and created this one, causing me to die laughing. We all use it now.
- Sito – something we call the baby to make him mad
- Wookie– Furry (ie: “Wookie Boots”)
- criminal mind– doing something that might be a tinge illegal, such as picking a bluebonnet or pulling the tag off your pillow… or even just taking the last cookie in the jar and hiding it from the toddlers so they don’t see you eating it and you don’t have to share
And you know how lines from movies get stuck in your head on random repeat?
“wrote a song about it, like ta hear it? here it go…” – In Living Color
“she just stepped in a big puddle of SASSY!” – Phil Hartman
“Take a pill G, but I can’t B, cuz somebody’s try’n ta kill me!” – some retarded rap song
“Best not be HALF-Steppin'” – no idea where this came from
“Smigel loves the precious” – Lord of the Rings
“I want to love it and hug it and kiss it for my very own” – Looney Toons, Elmira (Acme Acres)
“Do not feed my god peanuts.” – Simpsons
“You F-R-R-E-A-K!” – Madagascar
“What-Ever-Looser” – The Ultimate Gift
“That’s a fact, Jack.” – Duck Dynasty, Uncle Si
“What does the FOX SAY?” – song (I love to drive the kids mad with this one.)
Favorite phrases from family and friends:
“Life is a stage and we are the actors – and I’m not getting paid” – Grandpa B
“Over yonder” – Big Pawpaw
“Pissapouri” – Mawmaw (potpourri)
“Yeah, but it was a good miss.” – Pawpaw (Come-back for “Did you miss me?”)
“Not if I see you first.” – Pawpaw (Comeback for “See you”/Goodbye)
“Prosti-Tot” – funny name for trashy kids clothing (from a homeschool friend)
{ Do you have a list of family “Isms”? }
In Him,
Love the “isms.” Chuck is famous among his co-workers for having a bunch of them. I’ll have to record our list, too.
I am laughing SO hard Heather!! I haven’t heard the Elmira line in YEARS….”over yonder” and “pissapouri” either. Those are so funny. These phrases must be genetic, because I use a lot of the same ones. LOL
I saw this a couple of weeks ago… but that was before we had hi-speed!! LOL Now I can comment!
Cute picture! You guys have so much fun!
Best wishes on the contest!
LOL! You’re so funny… geesh!