Scratching my head and wrinkling my brow over the strange leap in life-forms I made over the weekend. I guess evolution is quicker than we all think, eh? No need for all that “billions of years” mumbo-jumbo. You’ll see that somehow I managed a macro-leap from Texas Blind Salamander to Wombat over the weekend.
Speaking of Wombats, we read the cutest book that I just HAVE to plug on my blog. We did a great little stint of learning on Australia this year in our homeschool. I also taught two classes for our local co-op of about 25 families and we made passports, colored maps, watched some National Geographic video clips on kangaroos, discussed Aussie slang (really enjoyed that), tasted Vegemite (yuck), and made toilet-paper-roll kangaroos. The book that I fell in love with from our local library was “Wombat Goes Walkabout” by Michael Morpurgo. Lovely story and wonderful artwork. I may add this one to our wishlist or buy it when we get ourselves moved. I didn’t spend long enough on Australia. It is so rich in wonderful animals, plants, and interesting places and people that it would take at least a month to do it any justice on a topical study! We only spent two tiny weeks.
So, tonight, I’m just popping in to tell you we’ve returned from our little “walkabout”. We rolled up the driveway after 9:30 PM from our long 4-day trip – and have been driving all day. The kids are running around my amazingly clean house (realtors here this weekend) throwing paper airplanes while they wait for me to turn the lights out and head upstairs for a bedtime story and prayer…
I guess whining helps – since I got 4 or 5 comments over the weekend and I wasn’t even posting! Thanks to all of you who stopped in. I will be sure and give your blogs a visit after I get time to sleep and recharge my blogging batteries.
My husband, who we left about 300 miles behind, is finishing up his last few papers for a class he’s taking at a Christian University. He did a few hours of community service this weekend where we went for a non-profit organization. It was very rewarding. It made me think a lot more about volunteering more time for others. Jesus was a servant leader, after all.
So… as I ponder that thought, I should head upstairs and hit the sack (lest I be picking paper-clips out of my hair and getting paper cuts on the back of my neck from all these paper planes whizzing by)! Good night blogging friends. Happy week ahead… !
We just studied Australia last year and had a blast with it. Have fun!!
NeeCee (KONOS mom) @ ITW