This post updated: June 6/12/06
This will be our fourth year to homeschool, and my children are age 6 and 8 starting out this year. My son is in 3rd grade, and my daughter is in 2nd grade. We have a little review to cover from last year in our books, but we will be in those grade level Math, Language and Phonics books by the end of September. We use Konos as our main curriculum. Konos covers everything except Math, Language (although many of our Language projects stem from our unit studies), and Phonics. I had to get my schedule done today so that I could box up my office. I have 3/4 of my book shelves boxed, and I managed to get this schedule done for the school year, so I would call this day a success! Here’s our 2005-2006 line up:
As of June ’06, we’ve accomplished the things written in brown.
School Starts – Sept.6 th
UNIT: OBEDIENCE – Consequences of Disobedience/Crime & Punishment – (2wks) Sept. 6-16th
UNIT: OBEDIENCE – Friction/Resistance & Action/Reaction – (1wk) Sept. 19-23rd
UNIT: OBEDIENCE – Military – (2wks) Sept. 26th – October 7th
UNIT: INQUISITIVENESS – Explorers – Columbus – (only 1wk – week 5 of 9) Oct. 10-14th
UNIT: TRUST – Floating and Ships – (2wks) Oct. 17-28th
UNIT: TRUST – Flight/Airplanes – (2wks) Oct. 31-November 11th
UNIT: “THANKFULNESS” – Thanksgiving – (1wk) Nov. 14-18th
Thanksgiving Holiday – Nov. 21-25th – I’d say it was a holiday… we moved in October, took the entire month of November off (living in a hotel and looking for houses)…
UNIT: TRUST – Good Shepherd/Sheep/Weaving – (3wks) Nov. 28th-Dec. 16th
Christmas Holiday – Dec. 19-30th – very short few days off and a January trip to Texas
UNIT: ORDERLINESS – Rock Classification – (1wk) Jan. 2-6th
UNIT: ORDERLINESS – Animal Classification – (2wks) Jan. 9-20th
Kaden and Morgan’s Joint SAFARI Birthday Party – Jan. 21st – sorry, no party. 🙁
UNIT: ORDERLINESS – Calendars/Seasons/Counting/Measuring/Solar System (4wks) – Jan. 23rd-Feb. 17th
UNIT: STEWARDSHIP – Ecology/Conservation – (1 wk – finish up/field trips) Feb. 20-24th
UNIT: STEWARDSHIP – Budgeting Time – (1 wk – finish up/field trip & projects) Feb. 27th-March 3rd
UNIT: STEWARDSHIP – Money/Possessions/Careers – (2wks – finish up) Mar. 6th-17th
UNIT: PATIENCE – Plant Growth/Gardening – (2wks) Mar. 20th-31st
UNIT: ORDERLINESS – Plant Classification – (2wks) Apr. 3rd-14th
Easter Holiday/Spring Break – Apr. 16-21st
UNIT: STEWARDSHIP – Nutrition/Rest/Exercise/Fun – (4wks) Apr. 24th-May 19th
UNIT: PATIENCE – Grain/Bread/Yeast – (2wks) May 22nd-June 1st
EVENT: Dinosaur Day – (1 day – next unit kick-off) June 2nd
UNIT: PATIENCE – Animal Birth/Growth – (2wks) June 5th-June 16th
UNIT: PATIENCE – Human Birth/Growth – (2wks) June 19-30th
July 4th Holiday – July 3-4th
Standardized Testing – July 5-6th – Kaden took the Iowa Skills Test in April (Full Battery)
Last Day of School – July 7th, or rather… July 31
Graduation Ceremony – July 8th, or not?
Reward Field Trip – July ?, this was our early summer vacation: Two weeks of May in Texas and one off at home afterwards
Wow. Moving out of state really threw a kink in my year. We have another three weeks in June and three weeks in July to get Seasons finished, give Morgan her end-of-year tests, and do the Ecology, Time and Money wrap-ups. That ought to be good before Summer. I will get Kaden’s standardized tests back from the State of Arkansas this July.
I have a friend who is interested in using the Konos Unit Studies. I wondered if you could give me your quick assessment of the material? I’m guessing that you must love it?
Thanks for sharing your schedule. It really helps me since we are just starting our homeschool journey. I am looking forward to using KONOS also.
God bless,
Sue – No problem. Glad you could use it. Enjoy your first Konos year!!!
Jan – I am not an expert, but I am a third year Konos user and lover! Konos is like having an extra (EXTREMELY CREATIVE) brain to add with your own… it is a million of ideas on how to teach different subjects that are separated by topic and by character trait. For example, the Obedience character trait is taught through the topics of Kings and Queens, Horses, Light/Bible/Authority, Friction & Resistance, Crime and Punishment, and Military. Each topic has almost an endless idea list of hands-on activities, dramatizations, dialogues, projects, book lists, crafts, experiments, field trips, etc. that will help you teach your child about the topic. All through each topic, you also learn about what GOD thinks about the topic through bible lessons, memory verses, and scripture study on different characters through Bible history. If you are interested in this kind of learning (the best kind – if you ask me!), you should get a copy of the Konos Compass (on the Konos website: http:// ). It’s only 25$. It has sample curriculum pages, lists of what your child needs to know by what age, and more. Or you can check out the online free sample unit/pages. I couldn’t find them quickly… but I could ask someone on the E-loop if she doesn’t want to buy the Compass.
My children are 8 and 6 now, but they still REMEMBER units we did when they were 5 and 3! I would recommend Konos to anyone! 🙂 The only thing you have to add to Konos is Phonics, Math and Grammar… we use A Beka for those things, but also supplement these subjects with ideas from the Konos Books.
Hope that helps!