Count and roll money/Count change
Let child pay for something at fast food counter or store
Help grocery shop/Use calculator
Help cook/Help measure ingredients
Ride a bike
Help pick library books/Learn to use library’s online system
Pray/Make prayer list
Veggie Tales Videos
Bible Memory Verses
Nature collections (bugs, rocks, leaves, etc.)
Kingdom Chums Video – Squire Rushnell (story of the Ten Commandments)
Build with Blocks/Build with Lincoln Logs
Build things with toothpicks and marshmallows (paint it)
Watch Nest Home Videos
Help with chores/Decluttering (include the kids in a Fly Lady 27 Fling Boogie)
Draw and Color
Board Games (Sorry, Candy Land, Connect 4, Scrabble, etc.)
Hang Family Rules/School Rules
Positive Rewards/Consistent Punishments/Conduct Chart
Screen Time (videos, computer, gameboy, tv) Earning Program
Provide calm consequences for disobedience
Set up long-range plans for your kids/goals
Discovery Toy Games: A B Seas
Play money/play kitchen toys
Talk in rhyming words
Syllable clapping game
Outdoor time/Gardening/tending plants
Weekly Bible Class at Church
Read educational children’s magazines (My Big Back Yard/Highlights/Etc.)
Watch Mr. Rogers/Sesame Street/Read Between the Lions
Play Groups (church or homeschool friends)
Meet Older Homeschoolers/Veteran Moms
Sing Songs
Play with Cousins
Sort laundry by color
Take a walk/Take a walk in the rain (splash in puddles)
Listen to the water run under a manhole
Discuss what you are learning
Participate in National Day of Prayer/See you at the Pole
Make a card for a Civil Servant
Take Cookies to your Librarian/Fireman/Police Station
Watch Zaboomafoo (and other animal shows)
Kingdom Under the Sea Videos
Eat International Foods
Rake leaves/Yard chores with parents
Visit other people’s churches
Have a dinner party
Join a book club
Play card games (Hearts, Crazy 8, War, Go Fish, Old Maid)
Play Dominoes
Clean out toy box and donate toys to Good Will
Call and sing Happy Birthday to someone
Color Leaf Prints
Do a puzzle
Visit a playground (swing, slide, climb)
Make a tent with sheets and pillows
Learn the Hebrew Alphabet
Learn the Spanish Alphabet
Check out Nature/Animal Videos at Library
Go to a Family Reunion
Do a connect the dot
Finger Paint
Go to work with Daddy
Catch and play with a lizard or gecko
Handle a snake
Play Simon Says/Mother May I
Play in McDonald’s Playscape
Watch Reading Rainbow
Make instruments out of pots, pans & spoons
Learn the Pledge of Allegiance
Catch a Caterpillar/Grow a Butterfly
Watch Prince of Egypt/Joseph King of Dreams
Watch Jesus “Miracle Maker” (Claymation) * Our favorite!
Watch an animal have babies
Play in the dirt
Practice a random act of kindness/service project
Visit someone in jail
Go Antique shopping
Attend a wedding
Play with an Etch-a-Sketch
Ride on a tractor
Watch skydivers
Send a letter to a politician
Cook someone a meal who’s sick
Pack, Move, and Unpack/Help someone else move
Write a relative that lives far away
Build something in the yard with sticks
Catch fireflies
Have a “tail-gate party” (picnic on the back of a truck)
Pick wild berries
Take care of a pet (walk, feed, bathe)
Take a nap
Help daddy trim a tree
Blow bubbles
Play with neighbor’s kids outside
Find a bird nest
Do jumping jacks
Help pack suitcases for a trip
Have a pillow fight & tickle session
Play Chase, Duck/Duck/Goose, Race, and Hide & Seek
Learn to wash dishes, sweep and vacuum
Decorate for the holidays
Do holiday crafts
Make kid art-snacks & treats
Listen to Christmas music (or classical music)
Listen to a book on tape
Pray for your day to go well before you start school
Help clean out the garage
Start a little scrapbook
Learn to take pictures
Make ornaments to give away at Christmas
Free reading time alone/quiet time
Be in a Christmas Musical at church
Help Mommy mail Christmas Cards
Play with Playdough
Write in shaving cream on a cookie sheet
Make a bead necklace (or macaroni)
Play Dress Up
Learn what an Author, Cover Page, and Title Page are
Learn what Characters and Plot are
Set up a nativity scene (or act it out)
Play with Christmas Toys
Take a trip to visit family out of town
Play road games in the car (ABC game, I spy, map the license plates by state)
Build with Legos
Work out with a Video in the Living Room
Find countries you learn about on a globe
Go see a fireworks display
Play games with dice
Start saving allowance in a piggy bank/Learn to Tithe
Play a matching game
Color with sidewalk chalk
Make gingerbread cookies
Crawl on a haystack
Get inside an army tank
Roast weenies and marshmallows over a fire/Make Smores/Go camping
Learn to play an instrument
Watch history videos
Look up pictures on the Nasa Kids Website
Look up information in Microsoft Encarta
Hang a Poster chart of the solar system
Decorate a bulletin board (hang your best work)
Have an “OPEN HOUSE” for family and friends
Have a themed birthday party
Put on a play for your family
Look through family photo albums
Make a family tree poster
Fold shapes in half
Watch Daddy change a tire
Make home-made Valentines cards
Do some simple Science experiments from library books
Invite a friend to church
Dance to 80’s music
Learn how to fold an American flag
Color print-outs from
Learn to count to 100
Plant birdseed in painted (face) eggshells to grow hair
Take a Teacher “Mental Health Day” OFF
Make magazine cut-out collage of things we’re thankful for
Dance to The Nutcracker Music
Take a skills assessment test online
Free time to play
Play hopscotch and learn to jump rope
Learn to catch and throw a ball
Stick glow in the dark stars on your walls (learn some constellations)
Read poetry
Cut and paste
Decorate an Easter Tree
Make Resurrection Cookies
Plant wildflowers (Bluebonnets for Texans!)
Do some lesson plans from the internet
Build a home-made kite
Trace pictures
Build a frame with popsicle sticks & put your picture in it
Measure yourself at the beginning and end of the school year
Use alphabet, number, and word flash cards
Paint a room together
Send a drawing in to a children’s magazine to be published
Draw and color the food pyramid – beware… don’t believe everything your “taught”!
Learning Enrichment Ideas for PK-K (& Up…)
This list is just a sample of things to enrich your planned learning for the early years… we did most everything on this list during our first school year. The ideas may or may not have had to do with our curriculum. I used an eclectic mix of curriculum, and I got ideas from a variety of sources, so at this point, I couldn’t tell you where they all came from. Hopefully, sharing this with you will inspire you to add some extras to your lesson plan book (because learning is FUN!)… and inspire you to be flexible, rather than rigid in your days ahead so that you can make room for a few bunny trails and side-tracks without throwing your hands up thinking your precious babies are not learning. Sometimes the best learning is not provoked by what we have written down to learn that day… but by life happening instead.
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