Having lived in the Gulf Coast for many years previous, the Hurricane Katrina story is near and dear to my own heart. The visions on the local news here in Texas that I have been watching of the devastation and the touching stories have brought me to tears. I know that I am only one of many blogs posting about this tragedy, but I wanted to share the links for others to give donations to, and also to spotlight a few ministries which I know to be top-notch.
Some related links:
flood aid (other bloggers who are blogging about Katrina)
“Unfinest Hour” (from a fellow blogger who had it in her current post)
There are a number of charities that are worthy of donating to. I linked one in my previous post (the Red Cross). I am particularly fond of the Church of Christ Disaster Relief Fund because they helped us out once when we flooded. The Red Cross did, also. They brought us food and cleaning supplies the day after our flood, which was such a blessing. My heart is particularly torn by this tragedy because of the fact that we lived in a flood-prone house for three years (flooding three times), and were so thankful when we finally were able to move to higher ground! I pray that the people of New Orleans find homes elsewhere and stay away from the area they used to live in. It is not a safe place when you are below sea level in a coastal area. I speak from [miserable] experience. I have shed many a tear over flood waters… and pray that God spare each of you reading this from having any first-hand knowledge. I am very thankful that I never lost a family member to the flooding we endured… and my heart breaks to know that many have in the Katrina disaster.
I happen to know a lot of people who are doing what they can to help the Katrina victims. I have been proud to be a Texan after seeing the overwhelming response from Texas cities (although Dallas, being the most affluent of Texas cities, has left MUCH to be desired by how few people they have taken in if you compare them to cities like Houston). I am genuinely proud of the people here in my home state who are reaching out with their homes, hearts, and help to aid their Louisiana neighbors. May God grant a double blessing to those who are compassionate. Everywhere we have gone here in Texas since Katrina, we have found that they are offering discounts to anyone with a Louisiana driver’s license. Merchants are stepping up to take a loss in profit to help out. We bought our children some Skechers yesterday and they were offering a 25% discount on the shoes to Katrina victims. Last night, we ate a Luby’s, and they gave 10% off to anyone with a Louisiana driver’s license. Churches around our area are banding together and offering free hot-cooked meals, putting together toiletry kits, gathering donated clothing, and asking for congregational donations to forward to the ministries helping the most.
There are so many ways to help. Even your prayers help. Please continue to offer them up to the Father on behalf of all the people affected by this crisis. I hope that you will find a way to reach out and help your fellow Americans. May God richly bless you for doing so!
Technorati Tags: katrina, Hurricane Katrina, flood aid, Louisiana, hurricane, texas
I am proud of Texas, too.
We are proud of Texas, too. And I’m especially proud of the churches here in North Texas who have prepared places for overflow from the Red Cross shelters. Many of these churches are sitting yet, waiting for evacuees. They have been prepared for days, and just want to help. They have been told repeatedly that people are coming and they remain ready when they do arrive. Pray that the Father will bring to each place the people in need of that particular ministry.