I forwarded this article to my homeschooling friends, and I have gotten quite a few “THANK YOU” notes, saying that it was JUST what they needed to hear at the start of a new school year. To read the article, click the title of this post!
Hey, girlfriend, glad to have you back on the net. See–it all worked out just the way God knew it would. LOL. Anyway, just dropping by to let you know you’r IT! Check out Wed’s post on my blog for the meme.
Thanks for the ‘heads-up’ on this wonderfully encouraging article. I sent it out to a zillion homeschooling friends who I know will appreciate the content.
I hope your life settles down soon..although it sounds like you’re kinda’ enjoying the challenges right now. The ‘road’ is certainly a new environment, rich with homeschooling material. Who needs textbooks?!
Great article. Thanks for sharing it. I wouldn’t have found it any other way! I hope that you are safe in your relocation during the hurricane.
You’re welcome to all for the article. Thanks for stopping in at my blog.