by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 7, 2005New Orleans, LA ( — Pro-life advocates say Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, continues to exploit victims of Hurricane Katrina. The organization previously said it would provide morning after pills to victims, instead of food or shelter, and is now raising money off of the hurricane for its local abortion centers. On its national web site, Planned Parenthood solicits funds for Hurricane Katrina support efforts. In fine print, the abortion advocacy group explains that all of the money raised will be used to support its local abortion businesses.
My friend Kelly sent me this over email. Highlight emphasis in the article mine. Entire article here.
This is just another example of how Planned Parenthood truly USES people’s misfortune to make a profit. They don’t care about anything but money.
Technorati Tags: katrina, hurricane, Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Louisiana, flood aid
I don’t see how people can support Planned Parenthood. What a sad, sad organization.
They need life sustaining supplies, not life killing pills and procedures. Just shows how backward the priorities of this group are.
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