I always have looked for recipes for oriental chicken because I absolutely LOVE fried rice, and I make my own, because I like to know what is in it. I am partial to my husband and my fried rice now, and prefer it over the restaurant version. I tried a new chicken recipe that was in my family cookbook on my mom’s side, and marinated it over night, and it turned out pretty good. The KIDS loved it – that is the kicker. I get excited when we make things the kids like to eat. They are not too picky, but I like to know they are enjoying the foods we eat – even though they are troopers and put up with our international tastes more often than not.
Soy-Garlic Chicken
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 2 tblsp ketchup
- 1 tblsp vinegar
- 4 cloves garlic (minced) – I used the kind in the jar
- 1/4 tsp pepper – you could put more to taste if you like
- 4 skinned and boned chicken breast halves (I cut 2 large breasts up and cut them into smaller pieces since hubby was not home, and we had a few chunks left over)
- Combine all ingredients except chicken in zip-lock bag (SO EASY!)
- Clean, trim, cut, and drop chicken in zip-lock bag (SO EASY!)
- Zip bag up and marinade in fridge for 4 hours (or overnight – but prepare for it to be a bit saltier if you do overnight – still very good, though!)
- Heat large skillet or fire up the grill outside (too cold, so we did skillet method)
- Pour contents of ziplock on heated pan and cook chicken until slightly seared on edges and well done (SO EASY!)
- OR grill covered by lid over medium fire (350-400) – cook each side 12 minutes
Serves 4
Compliments of my aunt Margaret!
What?! You never told me you had a recipe blog!
Oops. My bad. 🙂 Well, now the cat’s out of the bag. Hope to see you popping in now and then. I never get comments in here… or reviews on my recipes… so I didn’t think anyone was really reading it. I don’t care, though. It’s my online catalogue of favorites that I can get to anywhere, and a nice way to refer someone to a favorite without having to re-type it over and over (or find it in a mountain of emails).
I do love to cook… when I have a kitchen.
I, on the other hand, find cooking quite the disagreeable chore. It is nice when I can find some recipes that I know someone has actually prepared for their own family. And, of course, the family has survived. *chuckle*
We are about to have our old kitchen torn out and a new one put in, so it might be a few weeks before I put your site to good use. Looking forward to it!