We are still on “holiday” as far as school goes. This is our fourth week off. This means that either July or August just got absorbed into the school year. Fine with me. We are hopefully starting back up Monday, Lord willing. I am going to try and get the apartment completed so we can cook and eat at home, do laundry (the apartment plugs are three-prong and we’re having trouble finding a converter), and get school started again. So far, after two solid days of unpacking, we are nearing a light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry for the delay in “checking in” with you blog-reading buddies of mine… but our internet connection just got enabled this afternoon, and my husband’s computer is up, but mine is not. Therefore, I’m just typing a quick message and won’t be adding links or pinging anyone… sorry Technorati, Homespun Bloggers, etc.
We spent almost all of our paycheck and a few hundred from mom on our trip to Texas, but it was sure nice to see friends, eat at our favorite restaurants, and get a few missed belongings from storage. We have pretty much all we need to survive here out of state now… aside from silverware, which so far, has not turned up in the box hunt. I have two kitchen boxes left, and then we’ll be making a trip to Wal-Mart. We have only had to buy a floor lamp (seems older apartment buildings don’t have lighting in bedrooms or living rooms?) and a couple of shower curtains so far. It is nice to have all the other items we need to save us money. Hopefully by next month, we can start to try and recuperate from the expenses we’ve been accruing. I don’t see a Texas trip in the near future for Thanksgiving or Christmas. That will be difficult since it is the first year we’ve ever been away from family, but hopefully it will help us in our goal of getting completely debt free in a year or two.
I hope to be back blogging on a more regular basis soon. Until then, I appreciate you stopping in to check on me! God bless and Happy Thanksgiving… we have so many reasons to be thankful!
Heeeey, welcome back!
We were starting to get worried about you !
Nice to hear you are OK, I mean, unpacking and all will be soon over and you guys will be settled into your apartment, and that will be good. As small as it might be, I bet it sure beats a hotel room by far…
Hope your trip back was ok, and check your email tomorrow AM (got a few pictures I developed I have to scan and send out.)
Never send a human to do a machine’s job.
I am also moving into a new place, and WITHOUT all the complications you’ve had. Wish I was closer so I could help! Somehow…
Hey Heather,
Sorry I’ve fallen off the blog-o-sphere for a while. I just read your past posts to catch up and I did get your e-mail with contact info., thanks! I’m glad you guys are getting settled, as it were. You continue to be in my prayers! We’re headed up to MO this weekend to see my sis and family for the holiday. If our travel route takes us near you, we’ll stop in and say “hey!”
You are an inspirtation, Heather! Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks Gs! We enjoyed seeing you guys. It was a blessing in the middle of a really stressful day! Sorry to wear you out with the moving help… mabye next time we’ll be able to afford movers when we move home!
My Boaz’s Ruth… thanks for the hugs… hope your move is seamless and quick. It’s never easy.
Cindy – how’s the writing going? Not much time for it here. We’ve really got to get plugging with school next week… keep us in your prayers! Definately stop in if you are anywhere in the area! I would love to meet up with you. I can drive a bit, also! We miss you guys.
So glad that you made it home to Texas and back safely. I’m sure you must be happy to have your own stuff again.
I thought of you over the weekend as you were travelling.
Praying that you all settle into new routines, and find comforts in this place that God has brought you to.
You’re back!! Yay! :o) I think it must have been me obsessively checking your blog to see if you were back that hurtled you into the large mammal catagory of the TTLB ecosystem. I’m glad to hear you made it back safely. Pile those boxes around the exterior walls of your apartment for added winter insulation! :p
I’m so glad you finally got an apartment 🙂
Not sure what type of converter you need, but I find most of those at Radio Shack. You can convert 3 prong to 2 or whatever you need.