Kaden says today at lunch:
“Mommy, when I grow up, I’m going to design a video game and you have the honor of being one of the main characters.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” He swallows a bit of tuna casserole. “You have a super power, too. When you look at someone in the game, you have green x-ray beams that go out from your eyes and fix on the other person’s eyes… and you scramble their brains and they are YOURS, they do your will.”
Me:I Chuckle (Glad he didn’t make me a wicked witch, but this doesn’t sound much better).
“Yeah, and Daddy is a character in the game, too.”
She chimes in. “Yeah, and he FARTS on people!”
“No”, Kaden corrects her, “He distracts the other players by showing them his video games.”
Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, Kids, Homeschool, Family, Dads, Moms, Humor, Funny, Life, Children, Parenting
Ah, the laugh, aren’t kids wonderful.. 🙂
That made my day, really.
Oh, and HAPPY B-DAY for Morgan !
my son bobo would totally play that video game
Thanks RG. I really got a kick out of it also. Glad to hear that you guys are getting over the nasty flu! Morgan has really enjoyed talking with your little pixie.
JenIG – I’ll let Kaden know he has an audience for the game. He told us over dinner that when Daddy got to the second level on the game, he would graduate to mesmerizing them with his “cheat codes”. He’s playing some Star Wars game on his dad’s lap as I type! Hey – maybe his dad really does have those super-powers?!
It’s nice to know my husband is NOT the only man on earth who farts.
I don’t have children, but do enjoy hearing parents’ stories about them.
Thanks for the comment, Blackheart. Welcome to Blogger. 🙂
Don’t you wish you sometimes could shoot rays to have your children do your will?!
ROTFL too funny! Visiting from the carnival today ;).