Update: I started sharing our family’s homeschool field trips and “Fotos” in January of 2006, six months after I began blogging. It has proven to be one of my favorite thing to post about because I am a photo junkie and we love field trippin’. I named our field trip journey “Field Trip Foto Friday ©” for the blog, and as of the time of this update, I’ve been sharing our adventures for over a decade!
This is one of my favorite spots in the Houston Zoo to stop and rest. Wish I had a yard with a pond (and huge old trees) just like this! There’s something about a pond full of Koi fish that makes me so relaxed and at peace.
The goal of reviewing the field trips here is to 1. go down memory lane, 2. have a record of the places we’ve been, 3. help other homeschool moms gather ideas for fun field trips that they can take their own kids to. I’m checking through some of the field trips we took the first year of homeschooling to see if I still have pictures from them on my computer. I haven’t gotten the photo CDs down yet, so there may be more there as well. This is the first Field Trip Foto Friday in the series, so please, come back next week for another peek at what us homeschoolers do for fun. Field-tripping is our favorite way to learn, even though we usually limit our outings to once a week or once every two weeks except on rare occasions when there is too much to do in a week to pass up multiple day trips.
The Houston Zoo was one of our first field trips. We started our homeschooling journey in Houston. We loved visiting there. It’s a nice place with lots of great scenery and fun animals. Those little kids in the picture are mine (above and below). They grow up so fast, don’t they? The great thing is, though: field trips NEVER get old – even for the teenagers – and truth be told, the ADULTS.
Ah, the lion exhibit. No good zoo is without big cats. Not the petting zoo.
Now THAT is the petting zoo. The smell will confirm it. …And what a cute little goat. The furry thing with horns is cute, too.
“Look mom! I’m in the prairie dog exhibit!”
“Great honey, … now where is the antibacterial hand gel?”
Aren’t field trips a blast?! We need to get out and do more of them. We have been homebodies lately since we live so far out of the city. Eating healthy has cut in to my field trip budget. I’m always looking forward to our next field trip, though. Be watching here on Fridays while I continue the Field Trip Foto Friday series…
Did you know there is a Carnival of Homeschooling? I haven’t visited it yet, but I thought you might find it interesting. It is a group of bloggers submitting posts on homeschooling.
Thanks Douglas… I posted on the 2nd Carnival, but haven’t gotten in anything for this week. 🙁
have a great weekend