I’m alive… just buried under a million to-do items. Time for another one of those priority posts and snazzy little checklists. My husband works weekends sometimes… and this was his Saturday ON, so we were, too (mostly, anyway). The kids have done Bible, Math, Journals, Typing (computer lesson on Mavis Beacon), PE (picnic in the park and an hour of play time), a Writing lesson (brainstorming), and have a list of other things to get to some time tonight which may or may not get checked off. Morgan is reading the Phonics through Poetry book on her own right now. But, I’m going to make her go help me cook while her brother finishes his Math worksheet in a second… I’m pretty lenient on them when they do school on Saturday. Our days off next week are Tuesday, and the following Sunday. We’re going on a day-trip field-trip next week on Wednesday with a few of other homeschoolers in my area. I can’t wait! I’ve been planning for that also.
I just wanted to thank the Lord for payday and my little girl’s birthday yesterday. She got the Talking Toucan she has wanted FOREVER from the Cracker Barrel (which meant we finally got to eat out after what seems like an endless cooking stint for Mommy!).
Hmmmm… Speaking of cooking, I’ve got to get something Hindi on the table in an hour for when the Kev-man returns from his off-shift (10-7 today)… so I had better get out of here! See you Monday if I don’t post tomorrow…
Oh oh oh!! My DS has wanted that talking Toucan forever! Does your daughter enjoy it now that she has had it a few days? I’m wondering if the novelty wears of quickly…
(DS is having his birthday in 1 month…)
It is not as much the novelty wearing off as the lack of volume control causing the parent to finally say – “enough is enough”! The Toucan is sitting pretty on a hook in the ceiling right now. We let them turn it on now and then. They ask me almost daily, though. We are in a small apartment, so I have to limit the evening hours becuase we have a single guy living below us, and our floor and walls are paper thin. They absolutely love the bird, though. And, it is a fun age for having it (them being 7 and 9). I can remember making tapes with my cousin and listening to ourselves talk for hours. This way, there’s no incriminating record of all the kids say later on to tease them with (since it only remembers long enough to repeat it three times). It really makes all of us laugh, though… because it sounds like your voice, but after you sucked a bunch of helium in!