Click the link to this post to head over to my updated “KONOS PLANNING FOR DUMMIES” Post. I think this is probably my #1 viewed blog post for the site… and I certainly understand why. Informational posts such as this are much more interesting and helpful than discussions about realtors, sinus problems and our finances.
I’ve been getting requests and email regarding my blank Konos Planning Pages… so I spent my afternoon today creating a PDF file and uploading it to link on the post. I have revised the post with links, a photo, and of course – the PDF Planner Pages.
I hope you enjoy it while you plan your KONOS Units.
Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, KONOS, Getting Things Done, Productivity, Organization, Scheduling, Homeschool, Homeschool Planning, Home School, Unit Studies, Teaching, Lesson Plans, Organization, Children, Parenting
…please where can I buy a unicorn?