I visited my friend “A Dollop of Sour Cream” today and discovered a nifty little blog site that I thought I would share. It’s a site called Blogstorm that scans your blog and creates a cloud list of your most-used words. This is different than the cloud list I have on my side-bar (which doesn’t seem to be working today). It is a one-time snapshot that you can right click and download as an image. Here’s mine:
Go visit the link and create your own!
Technorati Tags: Add-ons, Technology, Blogger, Fun, Lists, Computer, Blog Tools, Blogging, Weblog
I just thought I would drop you a quick note to let you know that I visited your blog and have found it interesting and engaging. I have added it to my Featured Homeschooling Bloggers for January 2006.
Your blog and a brief description will appear in an article on the homepage of athomeschool.com on February 2, 2006.
Thank you for providing the internet with such great content, and blog on!
Thanks Mary. I have to say though, that I take no credit for the content on my site. I’m very thankful to the Lord for allowing me to be a tool for Him. Without God, I would be nothing and no-one. As it is, I am only a servant, and a fellow sojourner on this homeschool quest! Thanks for your message and the links.
Hi, I read your comment at Gena’s, we must have been there at the same time. I’m SO sorry to here about your neck. I will pray that it feels better VERY soon.
I’m glad you get to see your friend, my best friend/sister in law is coming tomorrow, I’m SO excited, I haven’t seen her in almost 5 years.
Well, I better go. Praying for your neck. If you want, your welcome to take the quiz for the fun of it. KarenW won, do you know her?
God Bless,
PS~ I saw that cloud over at Atypicalhomeschool.net
Hi Rich! 🙂 Funny comic on your site.
Thanks for the prayers, Amber. My neck is a bit better today. I’m trying to get the deep cleaning on the house done today, the bills paid, and homeschool done before my buddy comes tomorrow from out of state. Hard to do when you don’t have mobility in your neck! I could sure use those prayers. 🙂 Hubby got me a heating pad and massage thing for my neck last night at the store. I think the heat did help some. I’m still popping ibuprofen, though. 🙁