The search page of Google (just the little daily cartoon characters that they put up) is the entirety of Olympic “viewing” I have done this year. I do like to watch the winter sports (mainly ice-skating)… but we don’t have cable – or regular TV for that matter. I don’t miss it much, other than at times like this… and when the president speaks (or elections happen). I truly believe that the cable company has some kind of freaky conspiracy going to scramble regular television waves so we can’t pick up anything clearly. I hate watching live-stream on the internet (unless it is very short), and since watching sports isn’t like watching news clips from FOX or CNN… we are without a way to watch this year’s competitions. Maybe I can get a re-run video when we study about the Olympics in the future. That is the plan at this point.
I thought I would post my favorite 2006 Google Olympic Image so far so I’ll have a record of it some day for the kids:
Anonymous says
What a great idea Heather! I wish I had done that. I loved how Google changed the logo for different Olympics events. Sue in FL