I couldn’t find the words to say. I looked up sites to find a pretty poem, but nothing seems to fit. There’s no way you can describe a mother’s place in your heart. No sweet poem about lollipops or home-made pies can really do your mother justice. Your mother is your biggest fan. She’s the “only one who really loves you” – my mother once told me that. I do believe a mother’s love is different than most all others. Sometimes you’ll find the same kind of love from your dad as well – I know my husband’s dad loves him like my mom loves me. Regardless of our parents’ humanity and mistakes, we all know deep down that we will miss them above all others on earth once they are gone.
I think deep down, mothers have a tiny piece of God’s heart inside them… knowing the anguish of holding a life in their hands and having to let it go. I think it’s why we cry when we realize the baby in the bassinet won’t ever kick inside our belly again… and we cry when we can’t remember the last time we picked up our nine year old and carried them when they were sleepy. We sob when we realize that our teenager won’t ever sit in our lap again like they used to do during movies.
I have heard it said that bad news comes in “threes”. Well, in my case today, that would be true. My son came down with a sore throat today (a week before our medical insurance goes into effect), and my husband’s step-mom lost her father. It is hard to live so far away from family who need you to be there. Please keep our family in your prayers. I know God holds us all in His capable hands and all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). I just need to keep my head in my Bible and my knees on the ground – keeping a thankful heart and waiting on Him for answers.
Psalm 23:4 – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
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Technorati Tags: Mom, Christian, Mother, Life, Jesus, Bible, Prayer Requests, Christianity, Prayer
I am praying. Sorry to hear the news.
I said a prayer for your momma..
Mary, mom to many
Thanks gals. 🙂 It means a lot to me that you said a prayer for my mom. My son feels better today – just a small cough and runny nose now – no sore throat. I’m glad it’s not strep. Our neighbor’s little girl had that not long ago, and it went through their whole family.
I am so sorry, praying for you and your family.
Praying for you here, too, Bee… just haven’t had a chance to tell you until now. Any updates?
Love ya,
Sheri and Bug – thank you for the prayers. Obviously, God was listening! 🙂 I can’t wait to see my mom in May. 🙂