I’m a cat lover… but have rarely posted about my cat here at Sprittibee. I thought I would put a picture of her here that I’ve taken lately as a token for my Catblogging blogroll. I’m surprised they haven’t kicked me off since I don’t usually talk about her – or cats in general. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a bunch of fun with her every day… and if you’ve read my previous posts (about how I love to squish furry animals), you probably can guess that my cat sometimes wishes for death. Just kidding… she tolerates us most times. There’s always the bed to hide under when we get out of hand.
My kitty’s name is Minga. The other cat in my sidebar is my sweetheart Pug. I haven’t yet been able to post about Pug (my 12 year old cat that died last April). Next week would be the year anniversary of his demise in Texas. We got Minga on Mother’s Day last year, so she is still a kitten for the most part. I am glad she is finally calming down a bit. I much prefer a lap cat to a crazy kitten.
Because we are now in an apartment, and don’t have a house yet… we don’t let her go outside. Some mean people below me like to set traps for cats (even in the below freezing weather when they could freeze to death), so I always spring the trap if I see it out. Any cat outside is at risk around here. So it is that poor Minga can not explore her surroundings – even with Spring buzzing and blooming all around outside. She spends most of her time in the windowsill, looking forlorn… or trying to catch carpenter bees (who have burrowed holes into our window sill and enjoy flying right next to the glass, looking in). It is a sad sight to see her pine for the outdoors all day. When she’s not inside, looking out… she’s usually upside down and way up. Her other favorite perch is on top of the bookcases in our dining room. While we eat, she turns herself upside down and hangs between them to get attention (I’m still trying to get a good photo of this trick to post here, but the one below is a blurry version of it)… or she naps up there to pass the time away between window sittings.
Check out the Carnival of the Cats by clicking the title of this post!
Technorati Tags: Meow, Feline, Catblogging, Pictures, Photos, Life, Love, Spring, Furry, Friends, Animals, Pets, Cats
OH MY GOSH the bat pic is the funniest thing I have ever seen!!! I’ll have to send you a pic of our kitty. She’s like a dog…she follows you around the house like the dogs do. She’s a little spaz-ish on occassion, but she has the coolest personality and she sure is furry and “squishable”.
Glad to know you have a kitty cat, too. 🙂 I think I’m outnumbered by dog people in the family!