It’s been a while since we did Field Trip Foto Friday, so I thought I would post one from our Field Trip list for 2003-4. You can view other field trip Fotos from our collection by searching our archives in the Blogger box up on the left hand side of the screen, or in the Technorati Search box in my lower left-hand “sidebar” column. Just type in “Foto” and see what comes up. I’m planning to go through as many of the 2003-4 field trips as I can find a presentable “Foto” for.
This isn’t as educational as most of my other field trips, but my kids really enjoyed this restaurant. The Magic Time Machine we went to is in Addison, Texas. First time visitors are in for a real treat (but make sure you scope out where the bathroom is before you sit down). The restaurant is huge and sectioned into tables with themes: the “Spanish Hide-A-Way”, the “Jail Cell”, the “Mine Shaft”, a crayon encased table, an Elvis table, a jungle hut, and many more! The salad bar is served out of a MG Roadster… and best of all, the waitresses and waiters are all in costume – such as… “Catwoman”, “Batman”, “Robin Hood”, “Shaggy”, “Peter Pan”, “Cinderella” and the like.
Aside from a few nasty menu names (I would suggest you order for your kids that can read), the restaurant is mostly family friendly (yet rather pricey). My children’s favorite thing on the menu are their wonderful smoking drinks (dry ice, maybe?). I think the one they got was called “Ugly Potion” and it was an awful boogary green-ish grey color. They have an assortment of interesting smoking drink “potions” for you to try. We also enjoyed balloons and watching everyone’s waiters make them laugh. My son needed desperately to use the restroom in the middle of our visit and Robin Hood escorted him to the restroom (with Daddy following close behind). The waiter mercilessly yelled out at the top of his voice, “MAKE WAY! THIS CHAP HAS TO PEE!!!!” in a superb British Accent. Kaden was mortified. He asked his Daddy, “Does he HAVE to say it that loud???” Kevin told me that once; he went there as a teenager and someone took him around the restaurant with a whistle yelling “Potty Patrol!!!”
Over the years the characters and food may have changed… and a few more interesting cubby-holes may have crept up to dine in… but the fun spirit of the place has remained all these years (since the 1970’s). Who says you can’t be a kid even when you are grown up? Hopefully the Magic Time Machine will stay in business many, many more years to entertain and amuse.
Hi Sprittibee!
Thanks for stopping by and saying *HI*. Yeah, blogger has been VERY buggy for me too. And then I ran into a couple of friends who’d switched to, which is a free server for WordPress, for homeschoolers (which I’d already checked out and been drooling over, but it cost $ on its own). So, I jumped on board!
There are so many great features there, like categories, and more! I was able to upload ALL of my old posts from blogger right into my new WordPress blog with an “Upload” feature that WordPress has, very cool and took only a few minutes. You just may want to consider moving for your blogiversary…*smiles* I’m lovin’ it… even has a mood/music/tv (which I changed to book) feature for each post which I just figured out. fun*fun
Oh, not sure if I made that very clear… is *free*, WordPress for free! ๐
Beth, you are too cute. Love that photo. I haven’t had that much time to read blogs lately, and I’ve missed yours. Your new blog site sounds tempting. Although… I enjoy the ease of use at Blogger and really like the fact that they are owned by Google, so your google ratings are higher when people search. Although… I might have to set up a mirror site because your features you mentioned sound very fun. ๐