Well, this is the first stage of my re-design. Pardon my construction dust. As a present to myself for a dedicated year of blogging, I paid a web designer (Natalie Jost) to make me a new blogger template. I think she’s done a fabulous job – even though there are a few things we still need to tweak. I hope you like it, too. I plan on giving proper credit (in another post) to those of you who (through kind donations to my tip jar) have helped to make this possible. You know who you are… and THANK YOU for my Blogiversary present!
I’ll be back in tonight to post the Rock Unit photos I promised you yesterday. We ended up eating out last night, and I was emailing Natalie afterwards with final changes, so I didn’t have the time to post them.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the skin. See you around the blogosphere.
Buzz Words: Redesign, Web Design, Designer, Blog, Blogging, Blogger, Present, Blogiversary, Tweaking, HTML, New, Change
I love the new template!!!
Looks great! I love it.
Wow! What an awesome new look! Congratulations on your anniversary! 🙂
Happy Blogiversary!! Looks good over here!
Thanks everyone. I’m still playing with it… but I’m no HTML expert… so it may take me a year to get it just right… and then I’ll be wanting a new one. Natalie did a great job with the design. Just wish she was closer to free. 🙂 Us homeschool moms don’t have much spare change that isn’t slotted for the drive-thru at McDonalds.
Love your new template. Very fresh and clean.
Great look
Ooh! Cool! Love the new look. What’s with the ‘gear’ button? Are you gong to be selling Sprittibee T-shirts?
Congratulations! It looks awesome! Very clean and enjoyable. Keep up the great work. Blessings,
Thanks again for all the sweet comments. 🙂 I thought going with a lighter color would be a nice change after the dark template for last year. Natalie is very talented.
I wish my site meter were working, though. It seems that this change over has toasted it. Any suggestions?
Oh, and Cindy… I doubt I’ll be selling any Sprittibee T-shirts to anyone else, but I’m certainly going to make one for me. 🙂 I went to another blog’s site where she had made her own logo shirts for herself and thought it was a great idea. I’ll probably link to it and when they go on sale, I can get them pretty cheaply – mugs too, and maybe a mouse pad. 🙂
In IE, the words of your blog charter (“I’m a Christian homeschooling mom…”)are spilling down into the title of the most recent post.
Jakob Nielsen has a list of the top ten website usability mistakes of 2005 here. I’m working on making my blogs both IE and Firefox-compatible
Wow. That’s a LOT of Buzz Words for one post.
As to design — neat?
I don’t like change. I resist change. But somehow — this is much pleasanter to read than the last one (AND, bonus!, it comes up faster. Your last design for some reason took AGES)
(Pardon my brevity, I tend to be a person of few words, unless I’m on a rant or something. Then again, sometimes I just aimlessy ramble for no reason, usually while using excessive and needlesly redundant run on sentences that don’t really say anything any how, which is why I usually try not to say too much to begin with. Anyhow, I do like the makeover.)
I love the design, very fun and fresh. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday; I’ll be sure to check out yours from time to time. Happy Blogging Anniversay!
Very cute!!!
Wow, Wow, Wow. You guys are great. Comments are like chocolate chip cookies to me (those happen to be my favorite treat). I really appreciate you stopping in to let me all know you are out there.
I think cute might have been a cut-down to me as a teen, but the older I get, the more “cute” sounds really nice. *grin*