Just a quick note today… seems the Blogs of Beauty Awards is now accepting voting on the finalists which were nominated in the past few weeks…. and The Carnival of Homeschooling #28 is up over at Why Homeschool.
I made a note in the blog to tell you all the very cute thing my son said on our trip to visit some family in Houston. You see, it was so wet (rained almost the whole week – I really think it rains there more than it does in Seattle)… so the humidity was near 100% when we shot off our fire crackers. To make this worse, I had a sinus infection and was miserable anyway that night. I was walking around with a red nose and a tissue in both hands.
When we shot the firecrackers off, you could hardly light them (sometimes it took more than three tries to keep the wick lit), and it was sprinkling most of the time we were doing the display. It truly is like a tropical jungle down there – the grass stays green all year.
I was musing about this, and I was thinking about how we hope to move back home to Texas some day. I mentioned to Kev in the car after the 4th of July party that I hoped we didn’t have to move to Houston when we move back to Texas. I hate the humidity (and the threat of flooding and hurricanes) and I said I would be “a bitter old grumpy woman in all that smog”.
Kaden piped up from the back seat (I didn’t even know he was listening), “Yeah, Daddy… and that would be really bad for me – because she’s my teacher.”
It is amazing how smart kids are, and how much they really do listen. Maybe I should take some good advice to heart and be more mindful of my words.
Matthew 12:36 – But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
Philippians 2:14-16 – 14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16as you hold out[a] the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
Buzz Words: Texas, Blog Awards, Texas, Houston, Mommy, Bible, Role Model, Life, Personal, Homelife, Example, Kids, Funny, Humor, Christian, Family, Christianity, Parenting, Homeschooling
I grew up in Houston (and College station) and I live in the Seattle area now.
It rains more (time wise) in Seattle.
However, for amount of precipitation, the two places are about the same. Houston gets downpours — they get their rain all at once. Seattle tends to get theirs in dribs and drabs. Unless you are going to be STANDING outside waiting for a bus, most of the time it doesn’t even make sense to use an umbrella. You aren’t going to get wet enough to be worth the bother.
LOL! Too funny! Sounds like something my son would say (who is always listening it seems).
Yes, I thought DFW was bad but I do believe Houston is worse in regard to humidity. We of course could get the humidity without any rain – not cool.
Hope your sinus infection is clearing – those are no fun whatsoever! Thanks for dropping by my blog today. I appreciate the encouragement.
I really like your blog – I’ll be back!
My Boaz’s Ruth – You might check those stats out for this last few years, since there’s been an unprecedented amount of rain in Houston recently. Usually at one time of the day or another, ONE part of the city is sprinkling if not pouring. That is another reason they call it the Bayou City.
Blair – You are very welcome. I got your name from the Blogs of Beauty Awards most likely. I enjoyed seeing new bloggers today while I had my coffee. 🙂 Thanks for the reciprocal visit. *grin*
We’ll see. earlier this year, Seattle almost broke our all time record for most days of rain in a row. And we’ve had a few good downpours this year too. I think its just an especially wet year 🙂
(And stats for this year won’t be available until the year is over. I have to compare with averages over time I fear)
According to:
Hrm. According to them Seattle DOES normally get more rain than Houston. And we’re both above normal for the year.
37.8 inches for Seattle.
28.16 inches for Houston
Wow. Remind me again not to move there when I start pining away for Mt. Ranier and those lovely cool summers. I was so enchanted by Washington as a kid. That is on our top 10 vacation spots once we ever save up enough money and time to get there. 🙂 Can’t wait for the kiddos to meet Sylvester the Cowboy at the Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe!
In actuality it isn’t as bad as the numbers seem to say. I got used to the weather here VERY quickly.
You still probably don’t want to live here. The political atmosphere is not near as easy to get used to. In fact that’s prime reason I want OUT. As soon as we can find a job out of state. (hopefully back in Texas)
My Boaz’s Ruth – I hope we both get back to Texas. 🙂