My mind is racing (might be partly due to that inhaler… albuterol tends to turn me into one of those pink energizer bunnies or superwoman types that could lift cars). Don’t worry… there aren’t any cars that need lifting and I am acutely aware that I ain’t as young as I used to be.
I just have a TON of stuff I need to blog about, but no way to put it into a coherent post. What do I do when I have a ton of stuff to get done? I make a LIST.
So…. pardon my brevity and please READ BELOW. This! is! important! stuff!
1. Please pray for Canon. He had a bad day yesterday (his lung collapsed). Go read about it at his blog.2. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ENTER THE LESSON PLAN CONTEST (Academic Superstore)! Please go here to enter your post! You can also read all the wonderful lesson plans that have been entered to win so far at the same link.
3. Up Next… I still haven’t finished my list of posts that I promised to you, so I’m still working on it. I’ll get to those as soon as the dust settles after our wonderful contest.4. I have YET ANOTHER contest coming up for a fun new kid product in a week.
5. There are some great contests out there… one of which was described by my friend Cindy in my comments section. Go read about it here. It is sponsored by NASA and is about physics and rockets! The deadline for entry on that one is coming up soon, so if you like that sort of thing and hope to get a scholarship to college, this one may be your ticket….
6. I’ve been experiencing technical difficulties with computer crashes. I had to wipe my C drive clean again and re-install everything… so bear with me on slow answers to comments and emails! If your message is urgent… resend it to make sure it wasn’t lost!
I’ve been up way too late trying to get to a point where I’m treading water with email and contest entries… so I’m off to bed now. Hopefully we’ll be up to full speed again after being sick for a few days here at Sprittibee’s house. We enjoyed the fall weather today and went to the library. One of our treats for the music unit study we are finishing up is to listen to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. My heart lit up like a Christmas tree when we popped the CD in the player on our way to dinner tonight. Tchaikovsky is my favorite composer and the Nutcracker is my very favorite classical music ever. It made me think of how wonderful the Fall and Christmas holidays are, and how blessed we are in this country. I have so many things to be thankful for. Tip-Top of that list is Jesus.
Thanks be to God for His precious gift of redemption and love. If you get nothing else from this post, take that thought with you!
Have a super Friday!
Buzz Words: contest, blogs, contests, blogging, education, teaching, homeschooling, homeschool, parenting, learning, academic, fun, school, bloggers, email, lesson plans, win, September, technology, free, give away, camera, digital, photography, students, blessings, autumn, thankful, Jesus, Tchaikovsky, prayer, important, physics, science, NASA, rocket
Just stopping by to say HI! and to check up on y’all’s goings on. I am going to have to find my Nutcracker CDs and listen to them now. Have a great weekend! XOXO-Sara
How are you doing, Sara? Thanks for stopping in!
Is it the weekend? Not for me. We have school Saturday since we are off during the week.