Who said there weren’t any fall colors in the south? I am not sure who took this photo, but it is lovely. I found it looking up “Texas Hill Country” on the internet. I’d love to give them credit, but that’s what happens when you find photos on Google… you rarely can get enough info about them unless they appear with a personal blog url.
I needed a breather… had some business to attend to. Sorry for the absence and blog neglect! See you when I return.
Buzz Words: Texas, trip, vacation, break, home, hill country, friends, business trip, fall, road trip, scenery, life, photo, photography
I heard you were going to be in town (well, Round Rock)…if only I could go into labor this wkend so you could come to the hosp and see us!!! I’d be just a few minutes down 35 in Georgetown!
Nice pic! All it lacks is a couple of Longhorns lazily grazing.
I want to go to Texas too!
Enjoy your break!
Beautiful picture. I just love the fall foliage – evidence that God loves a variety in color! 🙂
Thanks for the link to my blog!
Hey Sara… 😉 You know my number, right? Holler if you go in labor. Of course you’ll be hollering, but I mean – CALL me. 😉 Tee hee.
Rich – Yes, that is a really great shot. Makes me sad that I can’t live out in the Texas hill country wilderness myself.
my boaz’s ruth… awwwww. Sorry you can’t come to Texas. Aren’t you in Seattle? I love Washington. I’d love to go up there also. That is high on our list of top places to visit in America when we finally have money to travel.
Spunky – thanks!
Janna – 😉 Thanks for stopping in.
Hey Cowgirl! When ya coming to town? I assume you are going to be in the Austin area and not down my way.
The colors are beautiful! Nice shot. Reminds me of Lost Maples State Park. Do a search for it online. We are going there for a week around Thanksgiving. Can’t wait!!
Love ya,
Howdy Kel. Not in the SETHSA region, nope… more of a CHEACT area this trip. We are going to be in your area some time in December, hopefully.
Keep praying that eventuall we can make a one-way trip! 😉 This trip has been very emotional.
We’re near Seattle right now, yes.
BUT! With things going on this last weekend, we might be in Texas as soon as September 2007! (Maybe not until May 2008… Depends on a lot of things) My husband is looking at training toward being a teacher in Texas. Taking the courses he can up here. Then moving down there for training certification with the intention to *stay*
It really feels like this might happen!
Wow My Boaz’s Ruth… that is great! I hope I’m back by then, too! Where in Texas are you planning to move? Go visit as many places up there in WA as you can before you move. I have been meaning to get up there for a visit my entire life (my grandparents are burried up there), but alas… no moolah.
We don’t know.
Bryan/College Station is obviously a big draw because of my niece and nephews being there (and my sister’s talking about maybe a fourth!)
My company has places in Austin (a lot), dallas, Houston, Corpus Christi and Bayview, basically (if we were going to transfer me down there our best bet is Austin)
Right now we have a friend going to seminary in Austin. (His wife was the one who died in Texas, just 5 months after they arrived down there. This has slowed down his training a bit) this is his last year though and Mark doesn’t know where he’ll be next yet.
I really really don’t want to move back to Houston — grew up there. Too hot and sweaty. But I’ll just be happy to be back. Driving distance to all family (washington d.c. to Ohio to South carolina to Arizona) I’ve been in Washington 12 years. Seen Canada. Seen Mt. St. Helens. Want to go home now.
However I have a friend-close-as-family here so I suspect at least occasionally I get back to Washington in the future.
But… Texas. We’ve got a Real chance of getting back there!
And I should say — at least you’re close enough to VISIT Texas. But if we make it to Texas I’ll pray for you to make it back too… It’s taken me 12 years so never say never. 🙂
And besides I’d like to meet sometime.
I have no idea where I’ll end up in Texas. Just hopefully not El-Paso! We have family everywhere there… so it’s all good. I have friends all over Texas in the places we’ve lived… but I have my preferences about the weather/terrain – which lead to the hill country area (which I think is the prettiest area of the state). Sad thing is, there’s just not a lot of work in my husband’s field out there…. and without money, you can’t live!
If you and I both ever do get back to Texas… we should do a blogger convention somewhere and invite all our favorite bloggers to join us.