Thanksgiving is only weeks away and the sweater weather here in America has already started. As we watch the pretty leaves change across the countryside and get ready to feast with our families, let’s take some time out to reflect on all the great many blessings we enjoy each day. I decided on this theme for obvious reasons, and the carnival really wrote itself. I just helped it along and stitched it up with some formatting. I want to thank all of you who sent in your submissions. I really was blessed by the encouragement, wisdom, enthusiasm and inspiration you all had to share with the homeschool blogosphere this week! What a great group of bloggers are represented here! Enjoy!
So,… What are some of the blessings that were represented in this colorful tapestry of postings? Each blog had it’s own blessing to speak of…
Inspired by another blogger (aren’t bloggers such a blessing!), Suni of Taz’s Clues talks to us about the importance of treating our children as individuals and not imposing generalized expectations on them… in “Milestones and Comparisons”.
More time with kids at home seems to enhance awareness of “behavior” issues with some children. Mark of Trust the Children brings us “Behavior Has It’s Reasons”. He shares with us a foundational way that parents can approach behavior problems.
Friends are certainly a blessing. In her post, “Walking Conviction” Kristina of At Home-On Fire shares how her friends challenged her to change her thinking. They encouraged her to rethink her approach at homeschooling and she found herself even writing a song about it! She felt we might also be challenged to think outside of our usual “box” and glean a little from someone else’s point of view.
DeputyHeadmistress of The Common Room shares a bit about our wonderful children’s learning styles and how we can bless them with the right type of input! A great thing to bring us all together (like happy Norman Rockwell family at the Thanksgiving table) is a dose of understanding. Visit her post entitled “She’s Nitpicky, I Have a Passion for Accuracy.”
Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings shares a downloadable “.pdf” document for tired moms in need of encouragement, equipping, and energy. The blessing of a ‘pat-on-the-back’ and ‘pick-me-up’ is sure to NOT go un-noticed! Love the title of this one: “Rest For Weary Homeschool Moms”!!!
What do you do with all those fall leaves? How about composting and making it an educational adventure. Even if you don’t have leaves, or live in a city apartment, you can compost. In “Free Unit Study: Composting”, Maureen of The Thrifty Homeschooler links us up with a study that’ll give us all we need to learn about (and actually do some) composting.
Health is a blessing for sure! It is great to have a trusting and good relationship with your doctors. Pete & Maribel of APMF Formulators share how “Homeschool Moms Can Partner with their Pediatrician”.
Tami at Tami’s Blog writes in “Homeschooling, Heartstrings, and Making Memories” about some recent chances her family has had to create some very special memories.
Kelly at Pass the Torch found her groove in the third week of her homeschooling “experiment”. Read about her family’s geography studies in “Future Cartographers”.
In “Children Feed on Ideas, not Facts”, Linda Fay at Higher Up and Further In shares the blessing of homeschool wisdom with us in her post about “How to tell if true learning is occurring in your home”.
This special matching game that Creative Homeschooling shares with us that is one-of-a-kind! Instead of matching pictures of children celebrities such as Barney or Big Bird, Creative Homeschooling matches up pictures of their family (the dog and even Grandma)! Their custom made matching game is a great way to remember their blessings this Thanksgiving. See how to make your own at “Make a Family Matching Game”.
Enjoying a joyful smile and connecting with friends is something we can be thankful for. Denise of Let’s Play Math! shares some quotes in her post entitled “Math Quotes of the Week V” that are sure to bring you a smile.
I had to share this post (“Sweet Potato Recipes”) from my foodie blog, Gathering Manna… (even though it has absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling)… since I consider it a blessing to eat sweet potato casserole each Thanksgiving. Consider this my gift to you for submitting a post and stopping in to read the carnival. I call the casserole “Sweet Potato Bliss” (but be sure to leave out some of that butter!) and the coffee cake is wonderful as well.
14. HELP
Laurie Bluedorn of Trivium Pursuit presents “All Workshops Now Available Free On the Trivium Pursuit Website!” – be sure to check out her free workshops!
The Tutor at Apollos Academy shares with us how your homeschool can honor a veteran. In her post “They Served Our Country,” she shares info about how to complete a project that will become part of the permanent collection at the Library of Congress!
Home Education Magazine Support Group News shares some thoughts on an article about Grandparents who homeschool. I don’t know about you, but a grandparent willing to homeschool sounds like a blessing to me! Be sure to read this informative article: “Grandparents and Homeschooling”.
Karen Edmisten recounts a morning read-aloud gone awry …. she shares with us the gift of laughter – one for which she is very thankful herself! Karen says, “I am blessed by the laughter in our family, and by these moments, which would pass us by if we did not homeschool.” Stop in to get a good laugh at “Do I mumble that much?”.
“Can You Pay a Volunteer?” Our co-op leaders all work so hard. We are thankful for all they do. How can we express our appreciation? Carol at Homeschool CPA answers this question and gives us ideas of ways to share our gratitude.
In “What I Needed to Read Tonight”, My Domestic Church shares a wonderful quote from a 1914 issue of Women’s World that speaks of thankfulness. It is amazing what an attitude adjustment can do for your heart.
Alasandra shares her “Field Trip” to the 17th Annual Magnolia State Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show where a fossil display from the Smithsonian Institution was on display.
As the weather turns colder it is the perfect time for reading more books with our children. Christine at The Thinking Mother talks about options for homeschooling with unit studies and literature-based unit studies in “Differences in Unit Studies: Literature Based or Not”.
A few weeks ago A Mom’s Life invited her readers to write in about their local homeschool co-ops. One of them shared about “A Charlotte Mason Co-op!” She enjoyed it so much… she decided to share it with us, too!
Lennie of Education Matters.US brings us the newest addition to the education blogosphere: Edusphere.US . He intends that it be a site for all “Edusphere Bloggers”… a “quick and easy jumping off point” into the education-related world-wide-web.
Spunky Homeschool looks at the impact evangelical homeschoolers (“Red Diaper Babies”) will have on future elections and how that impact even has the Democrat National Committee reconsidering their stand on a few key issues like abortion and patriarchy.
Gena at Home Where they Belong shares the colorful, fall TOS e-newsletter all about the science of autumn and “Falling Leaves”.
Our eyes are for observing, but how often do we observe our eyes? Tia of High Desert Hi-Jinks shares some of her own observations in “Eye Opening Observations”.
Comparing shopping for curriculum to shopping for shoes may seem a bit odd, but this idea may make the process of picking homeschooling materials a little easier thanks to Carolyn of Guilt-Free Homeschooling. Read about it at “Curriculum Choices and Shoe Shopping, an Analogy”.
Melanie of Homeschool Help Web shares how not having strict “Homeschool Expectations” can be a good thing.
A Dusty Frame answers the question “How Do I Do This?” Many people have asked her how she homeschools and single parent. “The only real answer is the Lord”, she says… but in this post, she tries to share her methods for those wanting encouragement for their own journey.
While fathers can be participate in homeschool in many ways, sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference. Janine Cate of Why Homeschool shares her series on the topic of “How Dads Participate in Homeschooling – Part 1”.
31. TIME
Homeschooling gives you time for even the most basic activities with your kids. When we have bad days, it is easy to take the simple treasure of being able to homeschool for granted. Barbara Frank of The Imperfect Homeschooler shares “The Most Important Ingredient: Time” and encourages us to make the most of this gift we’ve been given.
Beverly of Home for Heaven’s Sake shares a list of “Forty-Four Things She’s Thankful For“… including family and homeschooling!
Andrea of Notes From A Homeschooling Mom shares a teachable moment with us in “Pneumonia vs. Ammonia” that she feels is far superior to rote memorization.
34. LIFE
Beverly Hernandez of About Homeschooling has a touching story on her blog. The gift of life is truly precious. Beverly shares an update to this act of kindness (including a letter from Raegan) in “Homeschool dad donates kidney…one year later”.
As Julee at Homeschool Daze Blog is making the “perfect egg,” she looks back at her years and experience of being homeschooled along with her friends and the outcome of being homeschooled. Be sure to not miss “Turning Out an Egg-ceptional Homeschooler”.
Tracy of Seaside Enchantment reminds us of life’s rich details we sometimes overlook. In “Weekly Blessings”, this sea-loving mom makes her weekly gratitude list of the simple things she’s thankful for.
In “Remembering the Indian Unit”, Heather at Sprittibee shares fond memories of studying about Native American Indians. She says, “It is such a blessing to be able to be home with your children making memories… and to have those memories to think back on later!”
Thanks for stopping in at the carnival this week. Be sure to check out next week’s edition at Tami’s Blog. You can find out more about submitting posts to the carnival here. For previous issues, go here. Want to sign up to host the carnival on your own blog? Shoot Henry an email, and he’ll set you up with instructions. If you notice any broken links or errors above, please let me know!
~ Quilt Art Images provided by permission from Jane Sassaman, master quilt-maker and artist!
~ Photography by Sprittibee
~ Leaf painting provided with permission by Aimee Wood of Aimee Wood Design
*note to early-bird readers (at 4:45AM) ~ I’m going to bed, but tomorrow when I crawl out of bed [at noon]… I’ll put some more graphics up! Another thing I’m thankful for is my great homeschool buddy who babysat my kids over-night and made this “carnival all-night blogathon” possible! My honey is off work tomorrow, so we’re going to sleep in and be lazy tomorrow… the list of blessings just never ends!
*note to late readers (at 6:29PM) ~ Finished! WHEW!!! Hope you like the quotes and images I’ve collected. They were the reason I went with this theme in the first place! Have a super week! See you on the next carnival (but I don’t know if I’ll be able to host any more since my husband says I go way overboard and miss too many hours of sleep)! Oh, well… if I can’t host them, I can co-host and help anyone who needs graphic/theme ideas.
Buzz Words: blogging, Carnivals, Kids, Blogosphere, Teaching, Unit Study, Carnival of Homeschool, Education, Homeschooling, Homeschoolers, Homeschool, Parenting, Fun, Fall, Autumn, Family, Blessings, Thankful, Thanksgiving
Excellent list! Well done – thank you for organizing!
Thank you! Wow — plenty to read here. Looking forward to it!
The Carnival looks very rich this week, Heather. Thanks for putting it together.
Have a blessed day! Tsmi
Good job Heather… but you forgot the entry I sent you on Sunday, – the one you liked that encouraged homemakers from, I think 1914?
Great carnival!
Heather, Thank you for hosting.
The Carnival looks great. I like the easy to read layout.
thanks for including my entry in your carnival … does that mean we are all “published” writers?
It was a blast … so much to read, so little time.
I love the numbered list format—so easy to read. Thanks for a great carnival!
Great list! I meant to submit something but time got away from me.
Wonderful list. I’ve got quite a bit of reading bookmarked.
wonderful list!
I read a post this morning about how parenting should be a paid position. What do you all think?
Great Job! I don’t see my entry on Thanksgiving Unit ideas. I just missed last weeks so I was expecting to see it this week….
I love this…. Thank you so much for such an insightful and inspirational post.
THANK YOU for all your kind comments. Sorry I couldn’t get all the graphics up until tonight at 6:30pm.
Tami – Rich. Thanks – what a compliment.
Elena, I didn’t forget you. Just look under “my domestic church”. That’s you, right?
Onfire – Yes, I’d say you are published… monitarily rewarded, no… but published yes!
Nerdmom… I am not sure I got your entry. 🙁 Did you get an email from me? If not, I’m quite certain I didn’t get it. I’m sorry about that. Oh, well… next Tuesday you will still be in time for the holidays (and I’m sure it will most likely fit next week’s theme as well!).
God bless to each and all!
Heather: You did such a terrific job on the Carnival. All the entries are incredible and I’ll spend hours visiting them all. Plus, the photography, artwork and encouraging quotes are wonderful. Thank you for putting your heart into this…it shows and we will all benefit!
Awesome list, thank you so much for including us. I appreciate your hard work greatly! I will be perusing this list a lot in the next few days. You are awesome. May the Creator bless your richly.
Sprittibee – all of the effort that you put into this shows. You did a beautiful job!
Yes, it is a treat for the eyes. Thanks for putting in so much time and thought.
Thanks again everyone! 😉 I appreciate the comments. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding once it’s done.
I didn’t hear from you. I just missed it last week so maybe it got caught in the switch.
Everyone says the Carnival looks great–but I’ll have to take their word on it. Your site just isn’t showing up right for me. There are no pictures at all, things are missing from the sidebar, etc. I’ve reloaded and I’ve also cleared my cache and still it’s not right.
I use Firefox as my browser. I wonder if anyone else is having the same issue?
Well, in any case, from just the words, I can tell that you’ve done a great job on this week’s Carnival! Thanks!
Nerdmom… I’m sorry you got left out. 🙁
Karen… I am looking at it on Explorer and it looks great. Not sure what the problem is…???
Sorry I missed entering this one too (was out of town for the week and just couldn’t get it together to write an entry).
There are gobs of postings to read here though. I’ll be busy for quite a while.
Thankful for the list you put together here!
Erin – 🙁 Maybe next week! Nice to see you in my comments section! I need to “get out more” and read people’s stuff!!!! I think just reading blogs would be as fun as blogging sometimes. It gets to be a little overwhelming at times to keep up with comments, posting and email… maybe I really do need a blogging haitus. Either that, or maybe I should just quit discussing politics, religion and creation/evolution!
Thanks for stopping in, JoJo! 🙂