We’ve been reading Holling C. Holling’s “Minn of the Mississippi” as our family read-aloud while we learn about explorers and discoverers of the American West. We also watched a wonderful film about Lewis and Clark by PBS yesterday. I have been disapointed by the highly recommended Holling book mainly for ONE reason: the obvious evolution slant. Is it necessary when talking about a turtle’s interesting journey down the Mississippi to talk about “ancient waters” that “for millions of years” were rained upon rock? Why can’t we talk about the river that is there today since no one was here to see it millions of years ago. This is a children’s book, for crying out loud! The propaganda about the turtle eggs was just as bad (“And, as though the Life had been given a definite, detailed task – ‘THESE CELLS SHALL BUILD TO A CERTAIN PATTERN WITHIN THIS SEA’ – all cells were busily obeying this magic, mysterious order”). The animation of the story and the lovely photos and informational sketches have been very nice, however. We stop and discuss the parts that have a slant as we go. I have found myself wanting to re-write this book because it is such a waste to have it full of evolution fluff. I wonder if his other highly recommended books are the same (no doubt).
Anyway, as the title suggests for this post, here’s a little article forwarded to me by my homeschool buddy, Amanda. I’ve put a clip here, but do go and read the entire thing by clicking the title of this post. It is amazing to read about cellular respiration. God is awesome.
“In the final analysis, the inefficiency of Darwinian evolution seems to be a poor explanation for the efficiency of many of the processes found in the cell. There may be cases in which efficiency can emerge from inefficiency, but not to the degree of complexity present in cellular respiration.
Considering that respiration is just one process going on in the midst of hundreds to keep a single cell alive, it is evident that both the complexity and efficiency of cellular processes are highly indicative of an intelligent designer.”
About the author ~ David J. Hill is an instructor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in biochemistry and at Colorado Christian University.
Note to commentors:
I don’t wish to debate you on evolution, so please refrain from filling up my comment page with that sort of nonsense (it will be deleted). Save it for the author of the article (who’s name has been provided in the credits section herein) or your own blogs! I am much too busy to repeat another one of these types of posts.
Buzz Words: Evolution, Children’s Books, Book Review, Geography, Mississippi River, Learning, Education, Parenting, Kids, Reading, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Teaching, Science, Reptiles, Opinion, Creation, Children
Anonymous says
Is homeschooling as hard as it seems? I think I would be o.k. whilst they are young, but anything after 11 would be too much of a challenge.
BEst wishes
Anonymous says
I just wandered over from BWH. Very nice little blog you have here and a great post!!
I agree with you about evolution being impossible. The more I read Real Science the more I KNOW that God created the universe and everything in it. The information that you have given here is new to me and very interesting. I will be using it when I debate the next evolutionist nut.
Sprittibee says
Yes, Homeschooling is hard. No, homeschooling isn’t hard. It really depends on the mood for the day…
Nothing worthwhile is easy, though. Just think of marriage… childbirth… etc. Was getting married and choosing to be faithful and get along for eternity hard? Yes. Is the day-in-day-out selfless lifestyle of a Christian marriage hard? Yes. Was childbirth hard? YES. Is raising kids hard? YES! ALL OF THOSE answers are true, yet I wouldn’t trade a minute of that hard labor for any other EASY lifestyle. 😉
You get out of life what you put in to it. 🙂
God bless.
A-Real-Man… Nice to meet a real man who is a Christian and doesn’t buy in to the evo-hype. 🙂 Thanks for the comment and encouragement.
Anonymous says
I am commenting here on your “Dell and Dumb Decisions” post of 28 November because there are a lot of great comments on it all ready and I wanted you to read mine. (I know I am selfish) The folks who commented were very encouraging to you and I want to say they are right.
I think you have your prioities straight. God, Husband, Children, (JOB) and everything else after that. Please keep going. I know that you feel like you are drowning in debt some times especially when you look at what is left after paying all of the bills during the month.
BUT those bills are paid. Some times I am sure you wonder how. I know I do. Gods provision!! I am currently in Iraq as a contractor to get us out of debt. I brave rockets and mortars and the threat of death is always present. Why am I here? Debt. No other reason. If I had been more responsible with my money when I was in the Army all those years I would not be in the fix I am in right now. I could be at home living on the interest of my investments and my retirement check from Uncle Sam.
Your desicion to buy the new computer was not because, “Our old one is just a dinosar.” It was very simply that you use it like any other house hold appliance and it was worn out. You needed another one plain and simple.
A former employer of mine said it this way: “I was just going along working and paying bills and one day I found myself writing the last check for the house payment.” It is just like that in life. God Bless you and keep up the good work!!
Sprittibee says
A-Real-Man: Wow. It is a small world. We did the contractor thing and my husband was in Baghdad for two months and then came home. We pray daily for the men over there… including you. I always pray for our military, contractors and missionaries overseas… with every prayer. I hope you are able to stay and be safe so that when you come home, you can be free of debt and able to support your family by buying a home with cash. That was our plan, but things didn’t work out that way for us.
Thanks for your encouragement… you are right that sometimes we don’t realize that we ARE making forward progress because it keeps snowing over our tracks all along the way… and then one day, we reach the summit and are astonished that we finally made it. 🙂
I can’t wait until I’m looking down at the memory of all these days of poverty and debt from the summit of financial freedom! 🙂
charity says
“Yes, Homeschooling is hard. No, homeschooling isn’t hard. It really depends on the mood for the day…”
Ha, ha! For some reason, I really needed to read that. Today was one of those days for me when homeschooling was hard. Really hard. It was definitely my mood, though.
For some reason knowing that others have those hard days helps, though. I’m glad I decided to stop by.
Bev says
I really wish you could have come to the seminar here a few weeks ago! You would have loved it. I’d like to try to get a copy of it and send to you. They’ve been replaying it on one of the local cable channels here, so I’m hoping to catch it at the right time and record it.
Keep it up! 🙂
Anonymous says
homeschooling can do wonder in child development ,a child should have both , home as well as school schooling
Sprittibee says
Bev, that would be wonderful if you could tape it. I would be willing to send it back to you if you mailed it to me. 🙂
colddrinkfriends: Can you make your case as to WHY a child should have “school schooling”? I am curious as to your reasoning.
Anonymous says
Why can’t we talk about the river that is there today since no one was here to see it millions of years ago.
Well, the Mississippi, did not exist, millions of years ago, as through geological evidence.
If you do not want to debate evolution, then why do you talk about how “bad” it is?
My Boaz's Ruth says
This is Sprittibee’s blog and she can talk about whatever she wants, and choose to debate, or not debate, whatever she wants. We are guests at her house here.
Anonymous says
D’accord. But for anyone who is curious at how turtles evolved, look it up in an encyclopedia.
Kim Locke says
I totally agree with you about the Minn of the MS. We live in Oxford, MS and as our state history we used a unit study packet that used this book. As I was reading the book to them I was forever having to go back and “cover” what should have been some very interesting reading about the millions of years, etc. BTW, we took a trip to the Tunica Mississippi River Museum and rode the Tunica Queen. It was a terrific museum and covered SOOOO much of the Mississippi history and culture. If you get a chance to go and you live close enough it would be a wonderful trip to top off the unit.
Sprittibee says
Even encyclopedias can be WRONG Cory. 😉