I’m tired tonight. I enjoyed just reading everyone else’s stuff instead of blogging my own thoughts. Sometimes it is nice to vege-out. I have no idea if I spelled that right… at 1:38 AM, who really cares, right?
Anyway… I just thought I would say that I love this purse/library bag. Randi rocks. I wish I had all that talent for needle, thread, and fabric… she isn’t all that bad with a camera, either! Check out this awesome self-esteem video she’s got over there… I showed it to Morgan and she was amazed at all they do to ‘fix up’ models for magazines and billboards. If you have a teen – make sure she sees this!
My Boaz’s Ruth has some excellent financial advice on her blog this week as well. She helped me find lots of ‘money for free’ for my family members through “Unclaimed Property“ in the State of Texas. Go check out her post and links to see if you have any cashola waiting to make it’s way home to your pocket! Hat tip to my displaced Texas buddy up in pretty WA!
I love my little girl (who gave me a pedicure tonight!).
I enjoyed my Welfare Burgers at dinner (per request by my little man who wanted hamburger patties). The Hillbilly Housewife has some great stuff on her blog. Speaking of recipes… I’ve added a few to my other blog lately…
I said my prayers for elections tomorrow. Hope all you great Christian homeschoolers are getting the vote out.
I’m excited that my honey is home tomorrow and I’m planning to get caught up on grading. I won’t be in here to blog… taking the day off with family.
Don’t forget to send in your entries for next week’s Carnival of Homeschooling… it will be right here! Be sure to stop by Spunky Homeschool to see this week’s wonderful rendition!
Have a super Tuesday all. Remember to hug your kids and kiss your husband.
Buzz Words: ramblings, family, life, crafts, purse, self image, pedicure, kids, hamburger, recipes, homemaking, parenting, homeschool carnival, homeschooling, motherhood, blessings, thankful, joy, Carnival of Homeschooling
I’d like to try to donate an entry to next week’s homeschool carnival, but I must be confused a bit.
Is there a theme? A topic?
I’m thinking of tha last one you did that was the Wilod West, and I just haven’t come across anything that indicates what the chosen subject matter for the next carnival is.
Can you help me out?
Thank you for the Welfare Burgers link! Guess what we are going to put on the family menu!!!!! Sounds yummy to my kids, too…
Next week’s theme will be Autumn Blessings… my main theme will be leaves and quotes about thankfulness and such. You don’t have to submit a post that fits the theme. You can just submit your favorite post from your blog that you think others will enjoy. If you have a post you love that will fit the theme, that’s great, too! I’ll be emailing those who submit a post and giving them a graphic to post on their blogs (like a badge to generate traffic for the carnival). I just have to figure out how to make a cool graphic for this one! That last ‘sparkly s’ cowgirl hat was a great find on the internet during a late-night surfing expedition! The wild western carnival was my favorite theme, so this one probably won’t compare… but oh, well!
oratiomom – Glad you can use the link! I made my burgers with a green bean casserole and my baked potato hash-brown casserole. The kids like simple meals… and I was thrilled to find something so easy and quick that they like. My daughter normally wants me to make sesame chicken fingers with fried rice. That is her favorite. Kev likes lasagna and mexican cornbread casserole. My favorite meal to eat is tacos or enchiladas…. or Spanish Paella. I have a thing for Spanish Rice. A lot of my favorites and staples are on my gatheringmanna blog.
Happy Tuesday, y’all! I’m off to go look at Apples today (the computer kind!)….
Wow, can you help me with my speeeel chocking two?
(How embarrasing, and I’m supposed to be TEACHING people. eek!) Hehehe.
Ok, Autumn Blessings. Got it. I’ll let you know if I get something put together.
We’ve got an Apple and I enjoy it. Such a different beast from a PC. Trying to remember the different functions and keystrokes ain’t easy. I’m an old dog. Hard to learn new tricks.
I am generally rotten at photography. Thank God it’s not hereditary. My almost 5 yr old shot these recently. I love seeing ‘her world’.
In got a links!
Thanks 🙂
Erin – Ooooo. Don’t tell me that. I am a big shortcut girl. I use the PC easily and quickly and would be sad to be stumped and stuck on a mouse all the time. That has been one of my main reasons for not considering a Mac previously – despite their obvious graphics superiority.
Cute photos, regentlawwife… your 4 year old took them? Wow!
myboaz’sruth – you are welcome. 😉