Spunky Homeschool is retiring from blogging.
I KNOW, I KNOW… I just don’t know what else to say today. My boring meme that I’ve been putting off now for six months and was going to slap up today seems to ring hollow in the light of this news. I am really shocked and have just been sitting here with my mouth hanging open. I know that I go a few days here and there between reading blogs since I am busy with homeschooling, homemaking, and my own little blog… but this was news I never imagined… and it has really hit hard.
I pray that you will go over and vote for her as a last parting gesture at the 2006 Weblog Awards. She is a finalist in the education category. She deserves this “Oscar” on the way out… as a reminder that she meant so many things to so many people. Her voice will hopefully live on although her cyber shoes will be hard to fill.
Click the icon to go and vote:
You can vote ONCE A DAY until Dec. 15th! Spread the word for Spunky!
God bless you and yours, Spunky. Merry Christmas.
In honor of Spunky, I’m posting her “About Me” section for those of you who haven’t read it yet:
Because La Shawn says I need one
Saturday, November 19, 2005
One of La Shawn Barber’s pet peeves is a blog without an “about me” link.Sooooo in an effort to please La Shawn (my inspiration but who
probably won’t read thisactually read it and commented) and all others who care to know, here’s a little about me. (And besides it’s Saturday and I have a bazillion things to do today because today is Michigan -vs- Ohio State and I have about twenty people coming to watch the game and my son is turning 15 as well and so that means not only do we get to celebrate a Michigan victory but another year with my terrific son and since what is really important in life won’t matter until that game is over which may be before this sentence that is going on so long that the only people still reading it are those that really want to know these mundane facts about me because all others have been run off by my run on sentence soooo…..I will tell the few remaining people (who must be pretty bored today because they’re still reading this) and Jackie (who reads all my posts the good, the bad, and the boring) all the things about me that you never really wanted to know but that La Shawn said I should tell you so here goes! )
I’m a…
…Christian. (I hope this was obvious.)
…Daughter to the best parents in the world. (I want to be just like them when I grow up.)
…Wife to one very patient man. (Who lets me be me and loves me in spite of it!)
…Mom to six adorable Braunadoes (They’re on my sidebar.)
Who……Got my nickname Spunky from my dad when I was 17. Somehow it stuck around. My real name is Karen Braun.
…Holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. (which is probably more BS than CS these days!)
…Homeschools all her children. (I don’t think I needed to say that either.)
…Blogs because I have 42 years worth of stuff swirling in my head that my friends have all heard so many times that I need to find a new audience for it all. (Lucky you!)
…Drinks expensive coffee when others are buying (remember I don’t have a real job.)
…Believes I am totally right about just about everything I believe. Otherwise I wouldn’t believe it. And if you think about it…you do too.
…Is totally normal in every way. It’s the culture that’s all messed up.Lives in…
…A house that was too small the day we bought it. (No, it’s not the one on my sidebar.)
…A suburb of Detroit
…The United States
…A suburb of the United Nations.Anything else worth knowing about me really isn’t so I’ll end here. But if you really want to know anything else about me just ask. I may not answer but at least I’ll know what else you’re curious about! And as a bonus to those that read to the end here I am.
Did you read that part about expensive coffee? Maybe we can get together and get her a Starbucks Gift Card for Christmas? Who’s in?
Buzz Words: Spunky, blogging, blog awards, weblog awards, homeschool, life, personal, friends, blogger, retiring, goodbye, vote, sad, photos, pictures, Christian, mom, family, parenting, SAHM, loss, blog news, blogosphere, memory, favorite, whining
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words and the encouragement. I’ll keep in touch.
I hope so, Spunky! I just can’t imagine that you’ll be gone from the “sphere”. We will miss you a great deal.
Alright. No pressure, but that leaves you and the Trivium Academy as my only daily must see blogs. Don’t you dare leave us too!!
I hardly rank anywhere near Spunky. I get such a kick out of people even stopping in here. Ha! I am as random as a bag of Jelly Bellys. I sure appreciate the love, though… and to keep my sanity, I’m not going anywhere any time soon. I hope whatever Spunky is leaving to go do brings her in some COLD HARD CASH! 😉 Maybe she’s writing a book? Or maybe she’s been offered a job for HSLDA that she can do from home? Maybe she’s going back to school to get her law degree so she can slap some public school pushing government officials around? You GO SPUNKY!