As I told you, I have been inspired by and plan to continue “stuff training” with Minga. Poor thing. We’ve gradually been increasing the stuff she can endure every time we catch her sleeping somewhere. Today, after cleaning off my desk to make room for the old PC (data transfer day), I caught her napping in the junk pile. What could be more fun than a sleeping cat surrounded by office junk – with alien McDonald toys on her belly?
I have wicked ideas about refrigerator shots, crock-pot kitty-cat, orange helmets and dress up dollies! If she knows what is good for her, she will find a hiding place; and fast! With my Dell PC keeping computing smooth and quick, I will hopefully have more time on my hands after the holidays. Time for torture! [Insert wicked laugh here.]
Buzz Words: cats, pets, animals, catblogging, humor, life, personal, desk, organization, DELL, funny, photos, junk
Yikes!! Quite a spammer going on right there!
So you have one of those uber-tolerant cats huh? So do we, only Ranger is only a few months old. Still he puts up with anything.
What a cute pic. My Rhett is one there way back. There were some really dumb and rude comments there, but it is still a fun site.
sheri – yeah, I deleted that freaky spam! Minga is not that tollerant. She is a “redhead” or what the vet calls “troublesome torty”. She said that most of her really unpredictable and annoying cats are the torties… hence why we call her a “redhead”. Not to mention that she is a FEMALE (which by nature is not anywhere as laid back as their male counterparts). We have a LOT of work to put in to this one with what I call “Stuff Training”. Each day when I find her lying around and tired, I stack things on her. At first, she was FREAKING OUT and biting me. Now she looks at me like she’s really put out and goes about licking herself or lying there with her eye on me in case I might try something stupid. Hahaha. She is only one year old, so she has a long way to go before she is a willing participant in our jests. All this “torture” adds up to make a SUPER CAT, though. I know because my last cat was the best cat in the WORLD and we did much the same with him. He was my first child (my fur child). I miss him so!
pj – Coooooool that your Rhett is on!!! I love the pictures (most of them) – they keep me rolling in laughter.