For my man. I love him so. The kids think he hung the moon. They enjoyed helping me pick out and create this little photo widget.
Thank you Jesus for Kevin.
Happy birthday, sweetheart!!!!!!!
Enjoy the photos! If you have been plugged in here long, you’ll know that all of these have been up on the blog at one time or another. Now I have them all in one post. I just love the Rock You photo widgets. Thanks to Crystal for the idea! Morgan is waving ‘hello’ to Emily!
Buzz Words: photos, life, personal, father, tribute, best, great, December, birthday, children, marriage, fun, kids, love, husband, daddy, dad, family
Hey you gorgeous thang you!! Thanks for the props!! Your pictures are sooo fun and your family is so adorable and beautiful!!
Emily wrote Morgan last week we just haven’t sent it out yet! It will be in the mail tomorrow though!!! We have been working on Christmas cards and are sending the letter with the card!
I’ll make sure Emily sees this post (she’ll LOVE it!!)! She is with Scott and Frankie at my husband’s parents watching the Bears game. =)
You are too sweet. I love that new pic of you and your man. Black and white is awesome, isn’t it? I couldn’t remember who’s turn it was to write, so I’m glad you guys are sending a letter. We’ve been crunching to get done with school before the end of the week so we can take two weeks of vacation! 😉 YIPEE.
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Kevin.
Ilooooooooooooooove your post mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XOXOXO:)
Hi Morgan!!! That was a funny picture of you picking your nose!! hahahahahahaha
Hey Morgan! You better get off the computer and get ready for school, sista!
Hi Emily! You are too cute! We can’t wait to get your letter! Yeah, Morgan was really digging for gold up there, eh?
Cute! Happy Bday Kevin! 🙂
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Bev. 😉