Sorry that this post is a day late. We spent all of yesterday packing, loading, driving, and unloading. We are all back safely today and have been unpacking suitcases and Christmas loot since we got home from church.
We also started our ‘diet’ today (and promptly fell off the band-wagon after lunch to snack on chips, chocolate and Cherry Coke just a minute ago). We brought home a brand new scale that measures body fat, hydration, and a lot of other things that are really depressing. It has a memory, too… and keeps track of up to four people’s progress towards their goals. I’m not sure I know what to feel about a ‘smart’ scale. Seems a little ‘in-your-business’ to me. If I keep from falling off the band-wagon every day, though… I probably won’t mind a little ‘policing’ in the bathroom. It might be nice to see ‘progress’…. as long as there’s no screaming siren and blinding, red, flashing lights to let your neighbors know when you mess up.
I am thinking we’ll have to cut back some on the sugar in our coffee and tea. I am trying to cut back on sweets in general, eliminate caffeine from my diet per doctor’s orders, and eat healthier. While I might be able to cut my coffee intake down to one or two cups a week (of decaf), I doubt I will make many changes to the creamer or hazelnut syrups I use. Kev drank a Starbucks coffee last night on our trip without ANY sugar. That would be about the equivalent of swallowing a mouthful of dirt in my eyes. Coffee was invented FOR the cream and sugar if you ask me (and the hazelnut).
The mugs you see here are part of our recent Christmas editions that were given to us on our trip (or purchased on discount because we loved them). The only two that are missing from the photo are the HUGE Santa mugs that the kids got from Grandma Betty (filled with Christmas candies). They are planning to use those for cereal and soup. Kevin also got a really great Italian espresso coffee maker (Bialetti Moka Express ~ the silver pot in the photo) for Christmas for himself and learned how to properly brew the ‘real deal’ (Thanks RG!). We loaded up on Mexican and Italian blends of espresso (Illy, LavAzza, LavAzza Decaf, El Pico, & Cafe Bustelo) and are impressed with how much more flavor it has than drip coffee. So while we may cheat a little on our diet to have coffee and milk or cream, at least we will be doing good to save money by staying away from Starbucks (and we won’t have to buy coffee again for a looong time).
Well, I’m sure I can find twelve more things that I should be doing OTHER than blogging right now… so I will go. I wrote down my resolutions today and will post those tomorrow. We’re starting school back up Tuesday and looking forward to getting back on a regular routine. I never would have imagined when we left for Texas and our long Christmas vacation that I would be so happy to return and get back to school.
I hope you have a super evening and spend it with the ones you love. I think I’m going to stay home with my family and pray in the New Year tonight before bed. No big parties for me. We’ll probably snuggle up and watch a movie while drinking Italian coffee.
God bless you in 2007! Happy New Year from Sprittibee!
Buzz Words: mugs, drinks, coffee, gifts, vacation, collections, collectables, December, holidays, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas, tea, glass, photos, Starbucks, diet, resolutions, sugar, health, weight, New Year
I am SO with you on the needing to cut back on sugar thing. I keep telling myself that I will start using half sugar/half Splenda, but just keep forgetting to do it {yeah..yeah…that’s it}. Good luck with your new bathroom police, er I mean, scale. Happy 2007!
Well, so far, I had a goal of 14 lbs and now I’m down to 10 more to go! We were counting calories up until yesterday and fell off the bandwagon there. I need to get back in to it today. I weighed in already. I don’t think Splenda is really all that great for you since it is chlorinated sugar. I have heard that some people have kidney trouble due to it. I would just lower your sugar amounts and use stevia or xylenol instead. I don’t know much about the xylenol, though… other than the use it in europe… and I am not even sure that is how you spell it. 🙂