I know I’m a day late for Thursday Challenge, but here’s my entry, anyway. I couldn’t let this one pass me by since my husband’s uncle is such a great artist and his most recent painting really fit this week’s challenge perfectly. Each year he usually gives everyone in the family a work of art that means something to our family. I have already put one of his paintings on my blog before in my favorite paintings post. What a treasure to have the images he creates to keep memories alive through time in the family. It seems there are quite a few artists in his family line that direction.
I love art and especially art that means something personally to me. I am a sucker for my kids’ artwork as well. I can’t wait to get back in my own house and frame a lot of it for their rooms. They have really been amazing me lately with their talent. Art has always been a passion of mine. It is hard to find time for it without much money or time, however. I keep saying, “One of these days….” to myself about getting started again with artsy things (other than children’s crafts and doodles that happen often in our homeschooling). Maybe I should put it on my list of New Years resolutions to challenge myself to at least paint ONE canvass this year. Hmmmm….
In case you are interested in Thursday Challenge, check out the current challenge at the links below. I enjoy browsing through the photos sent in each week when I can spare the time to look at them. HEY! With my new Dell, I bet I can get through all those photos in half the time! I can’t wait to check them all out now!
CURRENT Theme is “CAR”
(Automobile, Convertible, Beetle, Jeep, Limousine, Truck,
Wreck, Lemon, Wheels, Spare Parts,…)
View Submissions/Submit Your Entry
Speaking of the new Dell… I finally moved all my data to the new machine yesterday and I’m off and running with all my stuff in one place. Now if only the house was as clean and tidy as this new PC! Morgan was glad to get ‘her new computer’ (my old one) and is currently playing video games in her room on it.
The gift part of Christmas in our family came early this year. Next comes the traveling part (and we’re definitely not begrudging it this year – since last year we were unable to afford it)! We have been a long time without seeing most of our family and are very excited to spend an extra long vacation down in Texas over Christmas. I have so enjoyed seeing all the lights springing up all over town. What a lovely time of year it is. It reminds us of how much we miss home… but we are thrilled to get to go there to spend the holidays with family this year.
We went to the book store tonight and read a book about Sequoya the man who invented the Cherokee alphabet (what they called the “talking leaves”).
If you want to check out the book we read, here’s the link:
History Maker Bio of Sequoya
We also enjoyed laughing AGAIN over:
Stuff On My Cat
…I am telling you… those photos of cats with stuff on them – well, they are just what the website says: AWESOME. My poor, poor kitty Minga… once I get that casserole dish cleaned, she’s in for another photo-shoot!
Daddy is home today and we are enjoying a nice lazy day off. Tomorrow will be much the same… family fun time. I hope you have a good weekend and lots of fun this holiday season.
Merry Christmas!
Buzz Words: art, cars, books, kids, homeschool, life, personal, cats, painting, old, Texas, forgotten, ramblings, photos, artists, Christmas, family, holidays, Cherokee, gifts, DELL, PC, Thursday Challenge, resolutions, home, family
I love that car picture. growing up, I remember my dad’s love for old cars. I have moved some of those things to decorate my sons room with. I frame my kids artwork and interchange it about once a month. It is a big deal for them. I need to take a picture and post it.
have a Merry Christmas.
Yes, that is an awesome painting. Wish I had painted it.
Merry Christmas to you, too. I tried to leave you a message on your blog today, but it wouldn’t let me post it. ???