Welcome to Sprittibee’s Field Trip Foto Friday series. You can visit my previous field trips for this particular year here: First & Second Grade Field Trips. I think this is one of the last in this set, and hopefully we’ll be moving on soon to 2005-6! Be looking for additions to our homeschool series.
You would have a hard time topping this wonderful field trip when it comes to outdoor fun and exercise! The aerial image of the Texas-sized, Texas-shaped corn maze is pretty “a-maze-ing” stuff, if you ask me! There are little card punches along the way as you wind down the leafy rows of corn. One card punch after another, you can mark your cards with obscure Texas cities and try to find each before you wear the rubber off the bottom of your sneakers! Make sure to bring sunscreen, water, and a sun visor or hat if you go when it is hot outside.
The farm also has many other wonderful items for sale, berries to pick, and such.
Check out their website more information about what they are currently offering. They have added a lot of new attractions and fun things to do since we did this review!
This is one corny Texas field trip you don’t want to miss! Take home a bottle of wonderful honey when you head home, too.
We loved Sweet Berry Farm!
Wow. Do you go on field trips EVERY week? This looks like fun! I’m sending it on to my sister, who is in Texas.
Oh! Turns out my sister there goes to pick berries every year. They just finished up the last batch even.
OH MY GOSH those dewberries look so good! A coworker of mine actually went to their operation in Lexington to pick strawberries, she said it was loads of fun.
Hey Heth…Mike has insisted that I pull Konos back out and use it next year. Part of his request is that I ask you what it cost you to have the volume unbinded and drilled for binders (Which I think you said you did at one point?)
My Boaz’s Ruth… I thought I left a comment in here, but I guess I forgot. π Was busy in that other post all week it seems like! Anyway, NO we don’t do field trips every week. We did a lot more of them while in Texas than we have up here in Arkansas simply because 1. We know our way around there and already knew of so many great places to go (being strangers up here, we don’t know what all there is to see and it requires much more research). 2. We have been really sticking to a budget up here and trying to not use ANY credit, and have not had extra money for too many field trips that require heavy driving (gas$). and 3. We are not part of a co-op like the one we were in while in Texas, either. The co-op here meets very irregularly, and pretty much has fallen apart… so therefore we do field trips only with our family lately. We hope to rectify this when the weather warms up or when we move home… whichever comes first! Our Texas homeschool co-op scheduled a field trip each month – and we also did personal field trips aside from that for our KONOS units. π
That’s cool your sis is picking berries at Sweet Berry Farm. They have a few locations all over TX, don’t they?
Big White Hat – Hey buddy. How did you fare in the ice storm? We surprisingly did not get much ice at all. I got calls from friends and family in Texas telling me whopping stories of snow and ice. I was jealous that I missed it all! Seeing a Texan drive on ice is better than watching America’s Funniest Home Videos.
Sara – I love blueberries myself. Too bad you really can’t grow them that well down in TX. My kids love strawberries, however… and there are lots of farms where you can pick them up here. I think there is even a blueberry farm somewhere in Arkansas.
Sheri – Hey girl! I thought of you on your birthday!!! I figured I wouldn’t send you a card or your family might think I was stalking you. I did write you on my dayplanner that day, however. Hope your birthday was as great as mine. You can take your KONOS volume to Kinkos and they will drill and de-bind it for you for under 5$. Probably more like 3.50$ or something. π That’s great that you are thinking of starting KONOS up again. We are going to somehow finish up frontiersmen eventually and then we’ll be moving on to TRUST – floating and ships first. Email me if you’ll be doing any of those units! We can swap goodies and links.
Found your site on a quest for homeschooling blogs… what a treasure trove! I especially liked your “Why I homeschool” piece – very well-written and certainly struck home with me.
(my boys just turned one so we haven’t started the homeschool yet -but I’ve been interested and gathering info for a while)
Keep up the good work! I know I’ll be back again…
Hello there, Seabird. π Glad you could stop in and very glad you took the time to comment. If you ever need anything, give me a shout.