That’s my sad face. I took that photo with a little video cam while Kevin was overseas in Baghdad a couple of years ago and emailed it to him. I’m feeling pretty shabby today, so I won’t keep you long.
I am sorry for being so depressing, guys… I really am. Someone sent me this video today and it really set me off on the wrong note. Kevin called me a ‘worry-wart’ before he left for work today. I cry for humanity quite often. He knows me well. The video is about biogenetic engineering and genetically altered food. If you think you aren’t interested enough to watch it, I would urge you to think again. EVERYONE needs to see this video. To see the video, click the link above or under the title of this post. It just reminded me of how short our time here is… and how so many people are going to miss the boat. That, my friend, is something worth crying about.
I am in a bit of a funk. Even wanna-be Texas cowgirls get the blues. We took a ‘mommy is too sad to do school’ day off today and cuddled while we watched a video about Davey Crockett, played educational software, cleaned house, ate some genetically altered salad and ‘refined’ frozen pizza (heated in the oven, of course), and read library books. I am about to crawl into bed and grade papers until my hubby gets home after midnight. If I don’t have anything more exciting to blog tomorrow, I may just start the “30 Days of Nothing” and take a hiatus for a while.
On a positive note, Chipotle‘s Mojo Mama emailed me and said she was sending me a T-shirt for being such a loyal fan. I am going to “spread the burrito love” around Arkansas (free advertizing) and get them ready to be taken over by Chipotle’s rockin’ food in the future. She said one day, they may build a Chipotle here… but … by then,… I’ll probably be munching on burrito bols in the Lone Star State. I can only go so long without my ‘potle. I say, “You go girl! ‘If you build it, they will come’.”
Pray for my sad, pathetic self if you think about me. And if you don’t think about me… don’t. Not even the Milano cookies made me smile today… all 8 of them! I can’t wait to see my husband’s smiling face when he comes home from work. There’s nothing like being in his arms when I’m down in the dumps.
Buzz Words: sad, food, biogenetics, pathetic, personal, life, Chipotle, Pharming, in a funk, whine, husband, depressed, homeschool, homeschooling, depressing
Cut it out.
Be thankful that you’re able to take a day off and cuddle with your kids. Be thankful that your little minds full of mush aren’t languishing in some godless gov’t school. It’s OK to be in a funk every now and then…only a fool wouldn’t be. This too, shall pass!
Ha! I can tell that the two comments above me came from MALES!
I hope you are feeling better today, Heather. Recently, I had one of those stay in bed days. I thought life was awful. It’s amazing how quickly one’s emotions can change in a day.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength.
Lifting you up to our precious Heavenly FAther and praying that He will wrap His loving arms around you and hide you in the shadow of His wing.
I did 30 days of “less” in October (nothing was too extreme for me) and it opened my eyes to how blessed I am.
Hey, we’re entitled to a funk every now and again. You’ll be better in a few days. Be easy on yourself.
Hugs. You are in my prayers. May the Lord lift and encourage you today. 🙂
Thanks BWH. So in other words, “suck it up”, eh? ;0)
Rich: You are so right. And I did relish those cuddle-moments yesterday with the kids.
Linda – Hahaha about your Male comment… but it is good to have someone to tell you to shut up and quit whining now and then. Thanks for the well-wishes. I think I would be much more whiney if I lived in Turkey rather than Arkansas. Not like you can make a quick run for the border like I can if things get too non-Texan for you! Hahaha. Great advice, by the way.
Lindsey – I’m considering starting the 30 days in February… or maybe later this month. Maybe LESS is better than nothing… however, I hate whining, so I may go for the nothing if I can’t snap myself out of this cry-baby mode.
Brenda – God bless you for your encouragement! 😉 I sure am using the prayers today!
I’m feeling a bit better. My cousin mailed me some music CDs out of the blue this week and they are great. I didn’t know Alan Jackson had a Gospel Hymn CD! So cool. I’ve been singing along with it all morning. Nothing like…
“turn your eyes upon Jesus…
look full in His wonderful face…
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim…
in the light of His glory and grace!”
.. to pick you up out of a funky place and dust you off.
Just blow a heap of Texas sunshine this direction, Lord… and I’ll be fine.
*smile* Nothing like singing praises of any kind to get you out of thinking about your troubles.
*sigh* Texas
I do think it is harder being away knowing we’ll be back so soon!
I’m praying for you and sending a little something that I hope will make you smile. 😉
Thanks you guys for cheering me up! 😉