Won’t you stop over at Kirk Cameron’s site entitled “Intelligent Design vs. Evolution”?! It is so great to see one of my favorite sitcom actors from back in ‘the junior high days’ using his fame and fortune to promote Christianity and truth in Science. On his website, he has some videos and new Creation Science products that he and Ray Comfort have put together.
Ken Ham, founder of the 50,000 sq. ft. Creation Museum that opens this year near Cincinnati and president of the Australian-born ministry to the United States Answers in Genesis, has endorsed these products.
Ken states:
“Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are doing much more than revealing the bankruptcy of molecules-to-man evolution. They have a greater purpose: proclaiming biblical authority and reaching the lost with the precious gospel message. Enjoy this wonderful family game as you also become better equipped to defend our precious Christian faith.”
I absolutely HAVE to have their board game! The DVDs they are offering look equally worthy of purchase. It is nice to see new quality-made products for Creation Science for those of us who hate DK/Usborne philosophy but love DK/Usborne photography and graphics.
I love what Kirk himself says about the new board game:
“This game didn’t happen by accident. It was intelligently designed with a specific purpose in mind, and we hope it creates a big bang in the Christian and secular world.”
Be looking for ‘Intelligent Design vs. Evolution’ at a Christian bookstore near you… or buy it online through http://www.wayofthemaster.com/ or at the link under the title to this post.
Buzz Words: Science, Apologetics, Evolution, Darwinism, Questions, Faith, Creationism, Life, ministry, Believe, Bible, Geology, Creation, Board Game, Christian, Origins, Christianity, Kids, Truth
Our church has “The Way of the Master” videos that we have gone through and we love them! You might want to check those out plus The Evidence Bible they have to offer. I have enjoyed reading your website. Yours is probably the first I read when I was praying about Homeschooling our daughter. Thanks for the good information and homeschool links you give out, we have used some of them!
We’ll have to check out this stuff…thanks for sharing!
I have another question about KONOS… do I need the newer compass to KONOS… I have an older version (different picture on cover) and how ’bout the KONOS index? What’s that all about?
Have you used the Attentiveness book? I’m trying to contact the Hulcy’s but haven’t heard anything yet, and I’m excited to start, but apprehensive as I’m having such a hard time getting started.
I need to peruz more of your site and see if some of my questions are answered here…
Thanks for all your help,
Amy Verlennich
Thanks for the sweet comments, Dreama and Panda-Mom. 😉
Amy: You can use an older Compass. My copy is older. Have you joined the KONOS Email group? You could get your questions answered quicker there. Plus, you would have the benefit of talking with KONOS Pros and hundreds of mothers all over the U.S. and even over-seas. I have not used the Attentiveness Book, but I have done all of the Attentiveness units. Currently, we are finishing up Attentiveness! The units in the box sets (like the Attentiveness BOOK) are all in the Volumes – just not as much hand-holding and research goes in to the Volumes (you have to do more of your own prep-work). The benefit of the Volumes is that there is more stuff there. More ideas, and more sub-units.
I am sorry you are having so much trouble getting started. 🙁 Not sure why… I am sure the Hulcys get a ton of mail. I hope they will respond to you quickly. If you haven’t joined the e-group, that would be a great idea. Wade posts on there often (he’s basically Jessica’s go-to guy!). But don’t tell him I said that – might hurt his ego! 😉 Hee hee.
Love in Him,
Heather (Sprittibee)