Rainbows have always been a favorite of mine (who could escape them growing up in the 80’s?). They are such a great help with learning order. It is amazing how much order there is in our universe… even in light! However, my lack of skill in managing to draw and color the rainbow above correctly should be overlooked. I somehow managed to place yellow before orange and thus have been the laughing stock of our homeschool since yesterday. The tender tweenish years are upon us: the kids are realizing that mom really does make mistakes and really doesn’t know everything. It makes for some interesting playful banter (and even the ocasional willful challenge now and then). I’m getting used to a new season in motherhood. My kids are both coming into their own personalities. They are as unique as the rainbow’s colors themselves.
“It seems essential, in relationships and all tasks, that we concentrate only on what is most significant and important.” ~ Søren Aaby Kierkegaard
I promised that I would share with you my “Rainbow Days” schedule. This is our newest edition to the many things we have tried to keep on task. With a husband working evenings and getting weekdays off as his weekends; homeschooling has been a challenge. If not for homeschooling, however, our kids would not have seen much of Daddy for the past 18 months. We have the liberty to stay up and wait for him to get home. We have the freedom to sleep in and cuddle, have blueberry-lemon scones at nine, and to start school after lunch when Daddy leaves for work. Would I suggest it for every homeschooler? No. Am I thankful for the experience and the wisdom it has taught me? Yes. Will I be glad when Kev starts working a day job again and we can get back on a “normal” 9-5 again? Emphatic YES! So, with those things in mind, you have to take my schedule as I do… with a grain of salt.
In case you couldn’t read my tiny faux-cursive print up there, I’ve copied a text version of my ‘Rainbow Schedule’ here:
Sprittibee’s Rainbow Days Schedule
- 8am – Chores
- 9am – Prayer Journals, Prayer, Bible, Bible Drill, Memory Verse, Devotional
- 10am – 3 Days a week: Math/ 1 Day: Art/ 1 Day: Science Experiment
- 11am – 2 Days a week: Penmanship & Vocabulary/ 2 Days a week: Grammar & Draw-Write-Now!/ 1 Day: Spelling
- 12noon – Lunch, Afternoon chores
- 1pm – 2 Days a week: Latin & Typing/ 2 Days a week: Italian & Educational Computer Game/ 1 Day a week: Craft (related to unit)
- 2pm – KONOS activities (Unit Study)
- 3pm – 2 Days a week: Science or History Reader/ 2 Days a week: Geography & Journal/ 1 Day a week: Current Events & Maps
- 4pm – 1 Day a week: Pen pals & Correspondence/ 1 Day a week: Timeline Characters (related to unit)/ 1 Day a week: Report or Book Report (related to unit)/ 5 days a week: Reading (related to unit)
- 5pm – PE or Makeup Work or Evening Chores
- 6pm – Home Ec (cooking with mom) or Dinner Chores
- 7pm to 10pm – FREE TIME (includes free reading time or pc games)
- 11pm – Family Read Aloud & Prayers, 11:30 Bedtime
While I have hours on this chart, it is not often that everything is done exactly to the letter. Yesterday, for instance, we started school after lunch. That put our free time in the morning and our schooling ended near 9pm (not to mention, there were some subjects we couldn’t cover and will make up on a “weekend day” when Daddy is home). Flexibility is the name of the game in our life right now.
“When God puts a tear in your eye, it’s because he wants to put a rainbow in your heart.” ~ Unknown
Life in apartments (after ten years in three different houses) has been quite a humbling and challenging experience. We have learned to try and forget about the rest of our furniture that has been in storage for 18 months. We have learned to try and forget about the closets and extra bedrooms we used to have and the U shaped kitchen with enough counter space for a horse to lie down on. We suffer through make do with the blessings we are given today. We try and seize each opportunity to thrive in the moment. Sometimes we fail (miserably). OK – a lot of times we fail (and have a really bad attitude). However, we have found that even in the midst of setback, disappointment, failures, sadness, and sacrifice… we are so BLESSED.
It helps to keep it all in perspective.
2 Corinthians 4:17 ~ For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
POTS OF GOLDToday is not just a rainbow day for our homeschool. It is a glimmer of hope – shining at the tail end of the past 18 months. My husband finally got word this morning from upper management that he was being considered as a candidate for a promotion. They have promised him this for over a year. Not only might he get a better job, but he might get a DAY job – and it might be in TEXAS. [I asked God for three things this morning… for Kev to get his management opportunity, for us to have a Rainbow Day and for rain to wash all that yellow pollen away. Two out of three so far is not bad! It is raining as I type.]
With the joy of future schedule improvements, pay raises, possibilities of having our move paid for, happy reunions with family and old friends… there is sorrow as well. Like all things in life; when change comes, it isn’t always easy. Arkansas has really grown on me after living here for 18 months. If we do have to move, I will miss it here. I will miss the places and the faces… the beauty of the seasons and scenery… and of course THE WEATHER. I love Texas, but the spring and summer up here is a welcome RELIEF from the heat! So as our family hangs on tight to the handle-bars, riding this new roller-coaster of emotion (wondering what will be over that next lift in the track) we would appreciate your prayers to help calm our hearts and help us transition well.
Romans 8:28 ~ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Right now, everything is pretty much up in the air (there’s no guarantee that a management job, a raise, or a transfer is coming or when); but I’m sure that God has it under control. We are eagerly awaiting His provision and praising Him for this happy news today (even if it is only a first step among many). One of these days I keep hoping I’ll wake up and see my pot of gold at the end of this rainbow – in many more ways than one. Until that time comes, I’m just going to keep trying to bloom where I’m planted. I’m going to keep being thankful that God keeps His promises – even when they are kept in His own time.
Buzz Words: personal, rainbow, life, parenting, homeschool mom, domestic, SAHM, mommy, motherhood, living, getting things done, stress, homeschooling, homeschool, schedule, changes, Texas, Arkansas, Christianity, plans, faith, teaching, KONOS, time management
((hugs))) very well written! And, I was hoping you were going to print your Rainbow Days schedule. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly, where He has planted you for His timing. 🙂
Thanks Brenda! 😉 I’ve been waiting so long for this day for my husband – watching him suffer through the suspense and be let down so many times… that I’m almost speechless (if you can imagine that) today. I feel this complete sense of peace. It is amazing. God is amazing. He always gives us JUST what we need, JUST when we need it.
YAY!! I am so very happy for you guys (even if you dont know for sure yet!)
Mark just recently received a promotion – I can totally relate to the excitement that it can bring! And oh how wonderful it is to see Him so excited about work again!
I am sorry I didnt get your chart made for you- Things have been outrageously crazy here- so I am sorry!
That’s great, Heather! I’ve been praying for you and for Kevin’s job. I was wondering how it had gone, but I didn’t want to bug you. I figured you’d post when you had some news.
Continuing in prayer,
Dianne 🙂
I know what it is to live life up in the air, never knowing what to expect in the days ahead. We are there right now. Thanks for sharing that quote. I love it!
Hi Sprittibee, I wanted to let you know I have tagged you for a Blogging Award, Congratulations you have won a “Thinking Blogger Award”.
For info follow this url.. http://littleolelady.com/?p=500
Thanks Brenda. 😉
Heather – I should have thought of making a “Best Commentor” category. You are pretty good about always leaving a note! You need to teach us homeschoolers a lesson. 🙂 I sometimes will pop in and just read and smile… but I guess smiles don’t come across through cyberspace. 🙁 Thanks for the reminder. I like your star! Maybe you can go in to the HSBAwards site and explain to everyone how the voting will work on tomorrow’s post? Cool about Mark’s promotion. 🙂 Congrats. Don’t worry about the chart. I wasn’t sure you could do it anyway. I know you make things pretty – but I didn’t know if you could magically whip up a graphic. 🙂
Dianne – You are too sweet. Thanks for the prayers. I know who to call on next time we need them! I am just so happy for him. He needed the hope of at least the possibility of some forward movement. He was getting really tired of waiting. Of course, we are still waiting, but at least he has some token of the winds of change blowing our way! 😉
KarenW – Hey girl. I need to get over and check out your blog to see what is up in your crazy world. Where are you guys now???
LittleoleLady – Thanks so much for the award. That is so kind of you!
Thanks for the comments, gals. See you tomorrow!
I’m so impressed with your schedule. We haven’t maintained anything close to that, but I can see we could really benefit from a better organized day.
Best wishes with the big things happening in your life!
Any ideas where in Texas?
I love to see people’s schedules.
A schedule is great to do the thinking when you are too busy to.
Thanks for sharing, I love your transparency. And I really like your rainbow!
Pass the Torch – We often only get around to getting the WHOLE schedule done once or twice a week. Many days, we linger on a subject too long and are forced to skip the one or two below it. I try and go back on our weekend days and catch what we missed, but sometimes we just have to move on. Usually in the beginning of school and the middle of Spring, I feel a huge urge to get organized and stay on a rigid schedule. Right now I am trying to shake off the distractions of Spring outside and get finished with our school year so we can move again. 🙂
My Boaz’s Ruth – Not yet. He’s looking at jobs all over TX, but of course, we have our preferences. 😉
Keri – Me too! I am thinking of also getting some long wooden blocks and painting them with a color from the rainbow and writing on them (on each side one word) with the assignment we are working on for each color. Then I can set one on the table facing up with the assignment for the kids to see – to keep them on task. We haven’t done that yet, though…
Jennifer – Thanks! That is sweet of you.