Titus 3:5 ~ He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
I love old postcards. I scoured the net for them this morning and came across a bunch of really neat ones. This one was my favorite (due to the bumble bee – of course – and the terrified rabbit). You might laugh at the irony, but I am deathly afraid of bumble-bees and wasps. Any flying, stinging insect getting too close to me will throw me into panic (which is why I had to laugh out loud at this poor bunny’s posture in the postcard).
Spritti-Bee is afraid of bees. I do like them a lot, however. I think they are cute and fuzzy and love their buzzing. I also love the flowers they pollinate. I just don’t want them ON me – if you catch my drift.
Back to Easter…
I wanted to send this wish to you and yours for a wonderful Resurrection Day. This holiday is the one that all the world rests on for me. If it weren’t for today, my life would be a dark and dreary place. I am so thankful for my savior and Lord. I hope and pray that you know Him and know how much He loves you. This day is not about Easter Eggs and bunnies (like a lot of the mainstream media in America likes to portray). We don’t really do the secular Easter scene at our house. We may get dressed up in Easter clothes and go to Easter service at church… We may dye Easter eggs and make Easter cookies… We may eat Easter chocolates and jelly beans… but the biggest part of our day is a feeling of thankfulness for the freedom we have in Christ… for the joy He gives our lives… for the honor it is to be forgiven and loved by the Creator of the Universe. Easter is about our re-birth into God’s Kingdom. It is the transition from darkness and sin – to light and eternity. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus that guarantees our own resurrection if we abide in Him.
May each and every precious soul that reads this post today be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. May your Easter not only be filled with sunshine, spring, and beauty… but also with forgiveness, hope, and a promise of eternal life. This is my hope for you on Easter 2007 (and forevermore).
Buzz Words: Bible, Christian, Jesus, Vintage, Postcard, Rabbit, Eggs, Antique, Spring, Art, Artwork, Christianity, God, Easter, Holiday, Bees
Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks so much for dropping by my blog and for your sweet comment! It’s always encouraging to ‘meet’ like-minded friends! I look forward to reading more!
Take care and have a blessed week,
I thought the frogs and bees were both attacking the Easter Bunny in this postcard, as if to say, “This isn’t about YOU! What are you doing here with your Peeps and your jellybeans and your cellophane-wrapped baskets?!” (I have a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor. So, of course, reading that into a Victorian postcard really made my day.)
He is Risen.
He is Risen, Indeed.
You are so funny, Erin! 😉 Thanks for the laugh, friend! “Hoppy Easter” – even if Easter isn’t about the bunny.
“The Bunny, The Bunny…” now I have that Veggie Tales song in my head! OH – the HORRORS!
Great post! When I posted on my blog last night, I couldn’t put anything into words – it’s just so amazing that we even have the gift of salvation! Praise God!
I’m with you on the flying stinging insect thing. They definitely cause me to flip out and gyrate about like a crazy woman! Yet my hubby has the ability to just let them land on his hand and look at them! Yikes!
And of course, the song has been spinning through my head on and off today – as it will for many more years to come, I’m sure. ALL the VT songs have been lodged in my brain through the years. But they’re pretty fun!
A blessed Resurrection Day to you!
I am afraid of bees, too. My body does not react at all well to being stung.
I hope you had a really good Easter. 🙂
Hi, I didn’t see an email link, so I hope it’s OK to write you here:
I also received a “Top Mom Blog” award but I think it is just a marketing scam. Please take a look at my post about it,http://www.mamacita.tv/2007/04/best_mom_blogger_awards_exploits_women.php.
I hate to see us exploited!
Hi super friend! Thank you SOOOO much for you really sweet and encouraging comment on my blog!! We have been having computer problems and I haven’t been able to be on the computer that much to tell you how much it meant to me!! So thank you!! *hugs*
Also thank you SO MUCH for the nomination!!!!!! I almost forgot about it because I haven’t been on the computer too much!!! I feel so honored that you would think of me. Is there anything I need to do? Should I just make a post about it and put up a link? I’m just so excited!!!!!!! Ahhhh!
Emily is going to write Morgan back this week we had Spring Break and then Easter fun stuff going on. Now things are starting to get a back to a little more “normal”.
Love ya, and thanks for be so good to me!! =)
Hey Bunny Trails! Thanks for your sweet comments. I loved the use of the word gyrate there… that is exactly how I look when chased by bees!
Bluest Butterfly – I’m sure I would be allergic to the bee sting, too. I’m allergic to a lot of things. I had to take allergy shots as a child. Hope your Easter was great, too.
Mamacita – Thanks for the warning! I kind of figured that was what it was about… but it is nice to get a pat on the back. I much prefer the little sticky notes and drawings that my daughter makes for me to those types of pats, though.
Crystal – YOU ARE SO WELCOME. I hope you are feeling better. 🙂 Morgan is excited to get Emily’s letter. She’s poised and ready to write her back upon arrival! Love ya, too.
wonderful post!