Oh, no you di-n’t!
I just had to post something funny for April Fools Day! I needed a good laugh after I managed to peel half of my toe-nail off on the way in to eat lunch at Jason’s Deli. OUCH!!!
This has to be THE Funniest Thing I have seen in a long while (click blog title to see the video). A sweet buddy of mine emailed it to me and I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Hope you are having a “Red Lettered” Sunday. I’m off to church again…
May the Word of Life bring you joy!
Buzz Words: Christian, Rap, Humor, Life, Funny, Video, Bible, Silly, Music, Laugh, Christianity, Dating, Jesus, Hilarious, Song
Baby Got Book…was funny. I clicked on the wrong link and found myself with Pachelbel’s rant which was hillarious – considering The Professor plays violin. (He got a chuckle out of the 2nd violin line).
THANK YOU for the comment you left on my “Dangerous Levels” post. I totally agree with you – it is nice to know that other moms out there experience the same things that happen in our own homes. It makes me feel more normal when that happens. I forget what you blogged about – but you were bummed about something a while back. And I remember thinking – She sounds like ME!!!
I’ll be lurking! (I don’t get around much either – but I like to come visit you now and again. And one of these days I’ll ready that lovely post you made about your rainbow chart.) 😀
Bleach Free Blessings.
Ah the Christian parody.
Step 1: Find a current pop culture phenomenon
Step 2: Wait five years
Step 3: Replace dirty words with Christianese words
Instant comedy!
If you want to find some really good christian rap that’s not just for kicks, but for REAL ministry, visit this site: