Head over to the Homeschool Blog Awards site and see who won the 2006 Awards and what booty they are getting. I posted the prizes in a post today since I was unable to get them on a tab.
Calling all WordPress-savvy, Photoshop-queen homeschool mamas… maybe we could recruit a few of you html-wise chicks to help out with the HSBA site and join our team? Laura and Heather are understandably busy and need our prayers and lots of time to enjoy their families and each other right now.
If you are praying for Heather, please stop over and let her know at her site. Also, BooMama (a site Heather recently re-designed – that looks FABulous, by the way) is taking up a love-offering for her medical expenses and this week’s trip to get a second opinion at the Mayo Clinic. Please donate if you can!
God bless and happy Monday.
Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Sickness, Web Design, Donate, Tumor, Friends, Homeschool, Prayer, Home School, Christianity, Illness, Support, Prizes, Patience, Parenting, Blogging, Homeschool Blog Awards, Life, Education, Contest, Nomination, Links, Blogs, Blog Awards, Awards, Weblogs
I think all of you did a fantastic job. This was one of the better blog awards in my opinion!