2001. Amazing how time has flown. Just stopping in to leave you with a Wordless Wednesday & Thursday Challenge photo so I can redeem my busy day. My best advice for you: Enjoy those babies while they are with you… soon they will be ‘all-growed-up’.
Buzz Words: Bathtub, Bathroom, Babies, Children, Kids, Family, Advice, Photos, Meme, Pictures, Toddlers, Motherhood, Memories, Love, Parenting, Redeeming the Time, Cherish, Life, Relationships, Time, Fun, Siblings, Scrapbooking, Wordless Wednesday
How sweet!
Thanks Janne! 😉 I used to love fixing their hair in the bathtub. They got a big kick out of it.
All too soon!! My hooligans are 14 and 12…the time it did fly!
LOVe the swirly bug ears :o) Thanks for sharing!