The photo here is of my two kids and I back in 2003. I was playing around with my photo program and got that really cool yellow-sepia effect and can not for the life of me figure out how to do it again. I have tried with numerous other photos to no avail. I like this photo of Kaden and me. I just wish that Morgan had her eyes open! We were at Pappadeaux on the patio, eating dinner with Pop and Nana. I miss all those wonderful Texas restaurants we don’t have here in Arkansas!
Random thing #1: I used to read the thesaurus as a junior high and high school kid… and I wrote poetry like crazy. Most of it is dark and I would not share it with anyone today. What a waste of talent. I STILL keep my trusty Roget’s College Thesaurus on my desk next to my computer tower. I still like to use it (but have gotten lazy since the internet is so much easier).
Random thing #2: My grandma and grandpa had a friendly white cow named Casper on their land when I was little. They used to let me ride on her when I visited. I also crawled under a bull at the age of 2 and everyone thought I would be killed. …and I have been chased by a bull and caught my leg on a barbed wire fence trying to escape at the age of 12.
Random thing #3: One night, Blondie’s “Rapture” came on the intercom in my room (our house had an intercom when I was about 6 that my mom played radio on) and scared me half to death. I hated that song until I got to be a teenager.
Random thing #4: When I was 13 or so, my bus driver was going down a hill and around a corner and saw a buck deer coming towards the road from the top of the hill. She stopped the bus in time and the door flew open and the deer ran INTO our bus… he took one look at her (within arm’s length), looked at all of us kids staring at him with our mouths open, backed up and ran right back up the hill. It seemed like forever before any of us could talk.
Random thing #5: I loved the SpeeLunker Cave at Six Flags Over Texas. I mean, I really, really loved it. I still am holding a big grudge that they took it down. Seems like a lot of other people felt the same.
Random thing #6: I have been to 14 of 50 U.S. States (and I have been to the airports in three other states that I didn’t include – since it was only for connecting flights). Oh, and I don’t include Colorado because I slept through the whole trip when we drove through. Sorry if you are from Colorado – it wasn’t personal!
Random thing #7: I have a serious fetish for Poppyseed. My favorite Poppyseed kolaches (more like tiny strudel nut rolls) were made by an old lady in Snook, Texas. I went to a family reunion there once and nearly ate a whole pan full of those wonderful pecan-crumb covered, sticky, sugary rolls. If you have to take a drug test at work – DO NOT eat a whole pan of Poppyseed kolaches. My husband’s uncle has failed a drug test due to poppyseed kolaches!
Random thing #8: My first car was a 1978 Monte Carlo. It was light blue (built like a steel tank). I called it “Mr. Cloud”. Amazingly, I never wrecked it… even though I did have a couple of fender benders in a later vehicle I owned in my 20’s.
Thanks to Bunny Trails for tagging me. Sorry it took so long to get it up. I am supposed to tag someone else to play along, but I think I’ll just let you decide if you want to join in. I don’t want to add to anybody’s stress level in the last few weeks of school! Lord knows that this next six weeks is going to be crazy for me! So if you decide to add your “8 Random Things” post to the hat… won’t you please drop me a note in my comments section so I can go read it?!
Have a great week, y’all!
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Buzz Words: me, random, self, life, personal, memories, childhood, meme, food, family, growing up, teenage, remember, Texas, pictures, silly
I enjoyed reading your 8 random things. Have a great week!
lol – sounds like you were a *real* cowgirl, huh? ; )
Anyway, we would like to invite you to the Carnival of Homesteading, and help us get started!
Thanks Jessie! 😉 You too!!!
Jocelyn – Hi sweetie! I never got that email. Real cowgirls don’t get caught on the barbed wire fence! I was a city-girl who had fun spending weekends at grandma’s house on the farm. 😉 I would love to join your carnival. Let me hop over to see what is up.
Hello again…
I resent the email. I thought it already sent.arg!
Anyway, thank you! We would be *honored* to have you!!
Love as always,
Hey Jocelyn… maybe you are using an older email address for me. Please use my sbcglobal address (linked in my contact page):
sprittibee @ sbcglobal . net
delete the spaces, of course.