I’ve got a mountain of junk waiting to post in here that keeps growing. So I have been dumping it in this post for the last day or so when I come across it. I’ve been on “Spring Clean Up” mode lately with a pending move (hopefully) coming up. After church today the children and I did a lot of house cleaning and organizing. I have the familiar pile of laundry awaiting my tender loving care, but the house is sparkling and smells like cherries and vanilla (jar candles). I did a deep clean in the kitchen today and got rid of our drip coffee maker (we no longer use it) and freed up some counter space. I cleaned out the fridge and stocked it with groceries, too.
We had Greek Lentil and Orzo Salad for dinner tonight. Yumm. I’m working on this week’s menu tonight after I get the bills paid and the checkbook done. Maybe I’ll have time to post a few recipes and my week’s menu on my food blog? Yesterday the kids played in the pool with buddies and baked cookies for our “bread” unit. WHAT?! Cookies aren’t bread? Well… they are made with wheat flour, right?! Good enough for me. They share enough ingredients to be related in my book.
Tuesday my husband is taking a test to see if he can get a particular job he wants in Texas. This is a big deal for our family. REAL BIG. As BIG as the Lone Star State itself. So if you don’t mind whispering a prayer for him to PASS THE TEST and GET THE JOB, I would sooooooooooooooooooooooo appreciate it.
So without further ado, here below is the junk pile:
EVILUTION (oops, did I misspell that?! My bad.)
I found the funniest ‘Evolution of Man’ graphics (can’t post some due to the “nakedness” of the dudes in the photo… but if you wanted to click over and see them – go right ahead: 1, 2, 3).
I have a ton of reviews in the works in different stages of books and products …included in those are: “God’s Ultimate Passion.” (book), DaysAgo gadget, “60 Ways to Make Fast Cash” and “119 Ideas to Save You Money Now” (e-books), 2 CDs on baby health, and “Queen of the Castle” (book).
I’ve been saving some snide remarks about H.R. 393, but it seemed like forever ago that I was tipped off to this bill. Does anyone know what happened to this bill?
I have a plethora of inspirational stories (the kind that you get emailed whether you need inspiring or not). The ones I have saved are a few of my traveling favorites. I seem to get a copy of them once every year or two. I thought I would link them in here so you could check them out in your spare time (rather than spamming them) – so please resist the urge to forward them to every soul in your email box. Trust me – most of us get so many emails that it should be illegal to spam… or is it?
Here’s the list of great inspirational stories you shouldn’t miss:
- NAIL IN THE FENCE (a favorite of mine)
- And YOU thought YOU had problems… (must see video)
- The Coal Basket Bible (really good one, too)
- Refiner and purifier of silver (probably my favorite of this group)
- Each Day A Life (poem)
- Bumper Snickers (get ready to laugh – some of them are really funny)
I have a few widgets to share with you. One is a neat little link to boast about how many states you have been to in the US. I’ve already blogged about my U.S. travels, so I will spare you the color graphic. If you want to play along… by all means GO! The other widget-ish item is from fellow blogger LJC. She posted a very cool looking tool from Google that I need to check out further. It lists your “current”s… such as current book, current thoughts, current favorite thing, etc.
- Link to children’s book and children’s book author podcasts
- Link to interesting article on praising children
- I have an article I would love to share with you about “KONOS Wrap-Ups and Kick-Offs”, but I can’t seem to get in touch with the original author… (we’ll see how long that takes…
- Want to see some KONOS in action? Check here for the online co-op teaser.
- DON’T MESS WITH MOM (not necessarily for homeschoolers)
I know I’ve been neglecting it lately, but my foodie blog is close to my heart. I made an excellent cookie recipe with the kids yesterday from one of their library books that tasted BETTER than Snickerdoodles (hubby’s favorite cookie) with half or less of the FAT. I am going to post that recipe soon along with a pile of others that are creeping up the side of my desk. I also have the following health advice tips on the way: The ‘Buzz’ on Caffeine, The Endless List of WD-40 Uses, Why Bananas are So Good for You, and TOXIC Sweeteners. If I ever get around to reviewing it, I’ll also have an Oatmeal Cake and Frosting recipe up eventually. We are studying Bread, Grain and Yeast – so I’m sure to be adding to my “TO-BLOG” pile for that blog as well. Anyone have a NEW free digital camera with removable lenses they want to donate for the project? Didn’t think so.
Now I’m going to delete all those “To Blog” items. There’s another check-mark on the list for today. I’ll check in tomorrow after our first day of week 2 in our ‘Bread, Grain & Yeast Unit’. We are probably going to REALLY BAKE BREAD tomorrow. I need to run and get some yeast at the store in the morning. We’ll see how that goes. It will be a first for me (without the bread machine). I was barely able to boil water when I got married and now I’m a really good cook (it has taken nearly 15 years, so please – if you have children – TEACH THEM TO COOK)… but baking bread has never been something I have tried. Maybe I should request prayers for that too? We’ll see.
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Buzz Words: inspiration, baking, housework, SAHM, evolution, homeschool, spring cleaning, getting things done, kitchen, food, to do list, cookies, Texas, prayer, prayer request, reviews, military, legislation, government, congress, widgets, humor, links, KONOS, recipes, cooking, bread
Mmmm, homemade bread. That brings back so many memories of being in the kitchen with my grandmother. I miss homemade bread, I haven’t had any in years. I might just have to try to make some next weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!
Prayer launched, Lord, please bring a homesick Texas gal back where she belongs, if it’s your will…
Summer… yeah, but I just remembered that I have a lunch date with friends, so I can’t bake it tomorrow. It takes pretty much all day, doesn’t it? You have to wait hours for it to rise… so maybe we’ll do it Tuesday to model “patience” while we PRAY FOR DADDY TO PASS HIS TEST. 😉 Hey – what do you know… a test for me (to see if I can pull off a domestic-goddess feat) and a test for Kev.
TexasFred – Thanks so much! It means a lot to us to get home. Amen to your prayer. God bless.
Y’all are in my thoughts–hope y’all can go home!
You are in my thoughts! I hope he passes it!!!!
Thanks for dropping in and good luck with your husband getthing the job he wants in Texas.
Thanks Homesick Texan. I wish you could come back to Texas, too. You’ve been up there in yankee-land for way too long. 😉 You need to move back and teach me how to make all those wonderful dishes. I just stared in AWE at your tortillas. I thought, “Man, that chick is Texan to the bone.” LOL Must be awful up there if you can’t get good tortillas. They have a little lady baking them in some of the larger HEB stores in Texas… and oh, they are soooooo wonderful. What about mexican wedding cookies? Have those up there? I may be really fat in a few months if we move home – from eating at all the restaurants we’ve been missing for so long!
Thanks Kel! I’m just sitting on the edge of my seat. I can hardly be still with anticipation and the test isn’t until tomorrow at 9-11am! Please pray!!!
Don Ray – Thanks for stopping in yourself. 😉 I appreciate the well wishes.
I am praying for you! I hope your husband gets the transfer/job. We are looking to move south too… maybe. We’re not quite sure but it’s a possiblity.
Hope you are well, my dear friend!
I will be praying that you get to Texas, although it is now official that our own move to Texas has been postponed. (at least ours is definite, just indefinite timing that’s all)
Have you tried out Google Earth?
I’m having a hard time imaginging cookies better than Snickerdoodles…
Thanks Jocelyn! 😉 You are so sweet.
MBR… If I beat you there, I’ll be sure and sample the Mexican food to make sure it is still as good as I remember. You can most likely find me by hanging around any Chipotle restaurant for a day or two. I’m going to be eating there a LOT.
Praying for your husband! We are on the job search too. . .
Thanks Karen. 😉 Prayers for you also!
“Evilution”? Well, remember the word “lie” is in the word “believe.”
Since I cannot comment on your coelacanth post, I will make the comment here, that your assumptions on it erroneous. Also, if the coins have no dates, how do you determine when ship went down?
Corey – thanks for stopping in again. I read your articles and they tell me that 1. You do have a problem. I saw that written in those articles more than once., and 2. Either the fish is ancient or it isn’t. You can’t have it both ways. You guys are riding the fence.
Just the fact that we have ANY land fossils of this fish should tell you that there was a flood. A really big one. Because we all know that volcanoes don’t produce sedimentary rock… and these fish are only found in the DEEEEEP sea. So how did the fossils of these fish get on dry ground?
I don’t want to start another argument between darwinists and Creationists here on this site. There are many other places for that. So I’m going to leave your comment up on the condition that another bunch of them don’t come with the deal. I made that post comment-free because the last time I ventured to think critically on my blog (about evolution), I ended up in a debate for three days and it caused me precious homeschool time.
I understand that you don’t believe what I believe. That is OK with me. Thanks for reading anyway, though. Maybe you and I should stick to comments on other subjects.
Its spelled evolution.
Question: “If its Gods Will anyway why do you bother praying”.
Question: ” If its a divine plan what you pray for may not be in the divine plan, god spent a long time making that plan and any smuck with a 2 dollar prayer book can come and f up his plan?”
Enjoy for false beliefs! No immortality, you die and thats it 😀 Thanks
Dejai – The unspiritual mind does not discern spiritual matters and it is impossible to please God without faith.
1 Corinthians 2:14
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Sounds like you fall into that category:
John 12:40
“He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them.”
Ephesians 4:18
They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.
I’ll pray for you.
By the way, this post was from last year… and God did answer my prayers – in a most amazing way. He not only brought us home to Texas, but he gave my husband a raise and a management job in a field he wanted to get in (that he doesn’t have a degree in). He gave us a nice big house and allowed us to be around friends instead of having to live in a far away city as we suspected we would have to due to the economy and job market.
I think I’ll take my thankful and blessed way of living (in the Lord) over your rude and pessimistic one any day, thank you.
If I’m wrong, I live happy and die happy. If I’m right, I go to heaven and a lot of other unbelievers go somewhere else. I have nothing to loose. Seems like you are the one who should be seeking to know if there’s any truth to the Christian way of life… you have much more to loose than I do.