We interrupt this program to bring you the latest news from our family to yours. The news is: we love GeeART! I know you guys probably already think GeeART is cool (those of you who have taken the free lesson they offer on their website, that is). Maybe you thought you couldn’t afford it before. If you think that, keep READING below!
I was already a fan of GeeART before we did our lesson today (after trying out their freebie with the kids a while back)… but I am even more fired up about them now. I WAS BLOWN AWAY by today’s AWESOME lesson on “The Language of Art”. I was nearly clapping at the computer and laughing at the ingenuity of the animators.
The lesson included:
2. The Language of Art (great animated movie)
3. Character training – learning to “take risks”! Because risks help us learn in Art.
4. BONUS TUTORIALS on how to use Corel Painter Essentials for the kids!!!
5. Teacher PDF lesson plans for projects relating to our lessons
6. Quizzes to help you remember the information.
7. License to Corel Painter Essentials so you can download it for free!!!
8. Artist cards with pictures of the artist and their paintings – on a period timeline!
I am sooooo loving this program! Watch out… I might just start sounding like a crazy advertisement (oh, wait… too late, eh?!). We are going to have so much fun with this program this summer. I’m tricking the kids into doing some school – even if we are off – by keeping our Art up. Yeah, so maybe we’ll still do a math sheet every other day, too… but now I’ll have the incentive to get them to work for me on other (less interesting) subjects! “If you get your math sheet done, I’ll let you do a GeeArt lesson!” This so works for me.
Our first try at Corel Painter Essentials produced some rather bland backgroundish type artwork… but we are just beginning on our adventure! My daughter nearly had to be PRIED off of my keyboard after we did our lessons. I bribed her with the promise that she could do more digital painting after we went to eat with Daddy. I told her she could use her free time to do more art (she got excited at this prospect – and I just saw it as a much better alternative than video games!). As soon as we got home this afternoon, she went to her room and spent over an hour “painting”. She’s used many of the “brushes” and textures. It is great to see them taking off with this program and really enjoying it. It thrills this art-loving mom. My son was standing over my shoulder while I began this post waiting to use MY computer (to do more art in Corel Painter Essentials, of course). Daddy had to offer to build a Star Wars Lego set with him to give me a moment to write this out. They are both really digging digital art.
It is amazing how the tools on Painter are so like the actual real-life brushes and paints that we have. Even the bristles and smearing and the blending of colors. No detail is spared. I would be a serious art junkie if I had some professional training in digital design and artwork. I guess it is a good thing I am a beginner… or I might be blind by now from staying up all night every night to “paint” and draw.
You already know that you can get a discount through my blog on this program, right? I keep a button on the sidebar for it as well. Clicking from here will tell them I sent you. To answer your question: no, they aren’t paying me anything – just letting me use their awesome program for my kids. They are starting a new promotion for June, too! They are going to be offering homeschool product licenses for only $27.98 each (they are regular over 69$)! That is a steal if you ask me. My husband was home today when we did the lessons and he had his mouth hanging open saying, “These guys really are professionals!” What else would you expect from ex-Disney animators? GeeART is as entertaining and fun as it is educational. It really is the coolest art program for kids that I have ever seen… HANDS DOWN.
So go create something! Check out their free lesson or better yet – sign up and see what I’m talking about! For less than thirty bucks you have nothing to loose.
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Learning, Art, Fun, Digital Painting, Schedule, Homeschool, Elementary, Creative, Kids, Teaching, Lesson Plans, History, Children, Parenting, Creativity, Paint, Corel, Lessons, School, Education, Review, Computer, Online, Curriculum, Discount
Just stopping by to thank you for this great information! I will be back to link through your site when I see their promotion. We loved the free lesson! Thanks a bunch!
What a great price! I think we’ll have to do this.
Ruthie loves Corel Painter for drawing, but she hasn’t done much with the textures yet.
That looks like a lot of fun! Is it all digital or do you put what you have learned into practice with real paper and paint?
GeeART is so cool! Thanks for the “advertisement:
I had never heard of it. We are in the middle of buying curriculum right now and GeeART is now on the list. Although we will have to wait until later this summer.
Great Blog!
Rhonda – I can see Ruthie drawing a lot. Morgan and her are a lot alike in that way.
Karen W – You can use both. The teacher PDF files are for real-life projects with actual supplies (not digital).
Kristee – don’t wait until after August. The cheap 30$ price is only good this summer! It is soooo worth it.