In July (2006) I sat down and worked up a preliminary KONOS Unit Schedule for the school year with high hopes that we would get everything on it completed. We did a little rabbit trailing and with our odd schedule (evening school – 3 to 4 days a week), we ended up coming far from finishing as much as we had hoped. Below is a copy of the units we finished for 2006-7. If you compare it with our proposed schedule, I think you’ll see how hard it was to get school goals accomplished last year.
I’m hoping that this school year we will see great improvements since we are now going to start a “normal” routine (8am-5pm… 5 days a week!). I’m looking forward to knocking out a ton more KONOS this year! I have added some of the units we need to “make up” this year to our REVISED 2007-8 schedule below. A few of those units I am supposed to be making up are ones we were hoping to do during summer school. This summer was spent entirely by moving, looking for a house and unpacking. Hopefully we won’t have a repeat next year and we can actually make use of some of our 2008 summer for school catch-up.
2006-7 KONOS Units Completed…
Ears & Sound / Music & Composers (Attentiveness Vol 1)
Eyes & Seeing / Other Senses / Predator & Prey (Attentiveness Vol 1)
Frontiersmen / Tracking & Trapping / Review of Indians (Attentiveness Vol 1)
Trust General Unit / Floating & Ships (Trust Vol 1)
Breads & Grain, Farming (Patience Vol 1)
Units To Move to 2008-9 School Year…
Body Systems (Cooperation Vol 3), Body/Appetite/Emotions (Self Control Vol 2)
Bees, Family, Church & General (Cooperation – Vol 3)
Plants & Gardening (Patience Vol 1)
Plant and Animal Classification (Orderliness Vol 1)
I actually penciled out a copy of the 2007-8 schedule last year (same link as the proposed schedule above). Interestingly, I had already added in the “Human Birth and Growth” unit which is front and center in my mind right now (being pregnant with my third child). A strange twist is the fact that I had planned to study Human Birth and Growth in February of 2008 (one month before our new baby is born!). I was waiting until after our “Birds and Bees” talk (which happened at the tail end of last spring). Looks like God knew some things I didn’t know when I wrote out this schedule! I have changed the below schedule quite a bit from last year’s pencil-sketch. The problem with this year’s schedule is that with a coming baby, I have no idea how much I’ll be able to get done during the weeks before and after our little critter gets here. I’ve never had my homeschooling interrupted by a pregnancy or birth (or a newborn/toddler for that matter).
Proposed 2007-8 KONOS Unit Schedule…
August 07
Flight & Airplanes (Trust Vol 1)September 07
Deception Illusion (Trust Vol 1), Tabernacle/Reverent Behavior/Hymns (Honor Vol 1)October 07
Town & Community (Cooperation – Vol 3), Choices & Safety (Vol 2 Wisdom)November 07
Country/Culture (pick a country), Kindness, Service & Etiquette (Vol 1 Honor)December 07
Attributes of God, Pottery & Sculpture (Honor Vol 1), Christmas Unit (Vol 2 – Love/Generosity)January 08
Cathedral and Church Architecture (Honor Vol 1), Sequencing, Measuring & Construction (Vol 1 Orderliness)February 08
Human and Animal Birth and Growth (Patience Vol 1)March 08
Begin States & Regions Unit (Cooperation Vol 2) – Texas History MonthApril 08
Continue States & Regions…. (possibly add colonial & war of independence NE)May 08
Continue States & Regions…. (possibly add civil war/Virginia & South)June 08
Continue States & Regions…. (possibly add Explorers/Western States)SUMMER SCHOOL (heavy KONOS, light 3R’s)…
July 08
Continue States & Regions…. (possibly add arctic & ocean life/Alaska & Hawaii)August 08
Continue States & Regions…. WRAP UP: USA STATES & REGIONS PARTY
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Buzz Words: schedule, lesson plans, school, homeschool, School Year, plans, teaching, teacher, learning, to do, education, KONOS, unit study, homeschooling, family, parenting, elementary
That sounds like a very cool school year. Can I come and learn at your house? ;D As for the pregnancy, the birth, etc. — just think about what amazing character-building experiences and examples your children will encounter. A baby is like a Konos unit that keeps on Konos-ing, right? You just can’t package and print that kind of education!
You are always so organized. Sounds like a great plan. We are getting ready to start Orderliness.
Can I ask what Konos is?
Cool beans – We are doing sme of the very same units this year!
LOTS of Cooperation (although, if you look at my blog entry for today, you’ll see that they’ve kinda got that character quality down!), a bit of Joy/Cheerfulness, and some quality time in Self-Control.
Prayers for a wonderful KONOS year!
🙂 Lostcheerio – we’d love to have company. come on over.
amy – Orderliness is great. We really loved the rock unit. 🙂
Ladybug – KONOS is a Christian character trait centered unit study that goes through K to 8th grade. Go to for more, or you can look through all my konos posts if you browse my blog by topic. Check out my sidebars for more info.
groovyoldlady – 🙂 we are always in need of doing EVERY character trait. seems like just when you finish one, you see evidence that you need to repeat some lessons. Thanks for the prayers.
Thanks for sharing all of your insight. Share some more? I’m wondering if the 1990 versions of the curriculum will work…or if it’s important to have the new versions for the revised book lists.
Thanks in advance!
Liz in Richmond, VA
Hi Liz. I haven’t posted my schedule for this year… but we are about to do that. 🙂 The book lists will continue to be outdated as time goes by, and most of the time we just get whatever books are on that topic in our library – unless it is a book that the other KONOS moms on the email loop suggest is one we can’t live without. Sometimes I buy a few books here and there on ebay or at garage sales. Library sales can be another great place to get out-of-print books. We have done fine with KONOS without a new book list. I have a few older volumes and a few newer ones – and I find that many books which I get “off the list” from my library fit the subject just as well or better.
Thanks so much for such a speedy reply. And thanks also with sharing your time and insight with me. I truly appreciate it.
And excuse the typos…:0)