James 1:4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I got good advice yesterday from a friend at a pool-citizenship-baptism-going-away party. She was talking about how she dreaded lugging that car seat around when her kids were little, in and out of the car with all the gear in tow. She had been staying home instead of going out, but a friend told her she needed to get up and go anyway. When she complained, her buddy told her to “just do it and don’t think about it”.
That is simple advice and yet very profound. A lot of times the worst part about what we have to do is just the “thinking about it” part.
Take for example… the progesterone shot. Staring that needle down while your skin crawls and you imagine it piercing your flesh is awful. However, the little prick when it finally goes in is hardly worth an afterthought. If I had never looked at the needle, I would have thought someone merely pinched me or I had been stung by a tiny ant.
Armed with this simple advice and a lot of prayer… I think I might be able to get through this week. I’m saying goodbye to my best friend Wednesday as she leaves the country for a year. She happens to be taking with her a few of the rest of my family members’ best buddies as well. I’m also still tackling an overwhelming amount of boxes after we got the second half of our things moved in last Thursday. I have been dreading those boxes and this goodbye as if it were childbirth mixed with a root canal. Maybe I should just do it and try not to think about it… and pray harder while I rely on the Lord to get me through. I know He will.
“This too shall pass.”
I can imagine that Jesus had to do a lot of ‘just doing it’ without thinking about it. There were a lot of painful moments, disappointing moments, sad moments, goodbye moments and difficult moments in His life. Sometimes the sweetest rewards come from our obedience when trails and tests come our way. I’m going to look forward to the promised rewards of my perseverance… and keep on keeping on… one box and one goodbye at a time. I know there’s a blessing on the other side.
Romans 5:3-4 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope.
James 5:11 As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
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Buzz Words: personal, moving, to do, friends, busy, stress, getting things done, life, family, sad, difficulties, advice, encouragement, inspiration, faith, Jesus, Christianity, courage, strength, prayer
I think that “just don’t think about it” is excellent advice! Sometimes even now I dread doing things with my youngest in tow, and he’s 4! But, I always try to remind myself that he is MINE and that’s how I want it, so he is part of the equation, no matter how difficult it seems sometimes.
And, to add to your “This too shall pass” comment, I heard it put one time like this, “God didn’t mean for it to come to stay, He meant for it to come to pass.” You’re gonna get through this, sweetie! And in the end, you’ll be in a home that’s YOURS with a new little bee to make it all that much sweeter! 🙂
Love ya,
Wow! I needed to hear that today!Thanks for taking the time to post in the midst of your hectic day.
God Bless You!!
Great post, Heather! I think the majority of the battle is in our heads anyway. The reality is almost never as bad as the thinking about it. I need the reminder, though. Thanks for posting it.
Dianne 🙂
Ask at your next visit when they check your levels if it is possible for you to switch over to the progesterone vaginal suppositories. I was able to do that and avoid the shots altogether.
Very happy about all of your good news though!
Bev – Miss you! Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it. 🙂
anonymous – Glad to help and thanks so much for the blessings.
bunny – You are more than welcome. The best way to learn things is through OTHER people’s mistakes. I guess that is what makes blogging so great. You can go through people’s trails with them without getting mud slung on yourself. 😉
elena – I already whined about the shots at the doctor’s office and he said that they are the best treatment. The reason being is that they are a natural source of progesterone and not synthetic and they get directly into your bloodstream (work quicker). He also feels that they are easier because you only have to get them twice a week rather than doing suppositories every day once or twice. I really don’t mind the shots. I am not squeamish in the least. I had allergy shots as a child for seven years every week and they hurt WAY worse than these (even though the needles were smaller). I can actually watch them draw blood from my arm as well… and insert IVs… so I am really the ideal candidate for the progesterone shot. I’m pretty sure that God led me to this doctor for a reason, and I really like him… so I tend to trust that whatever he is asking of me is what God would want. I’m sorry for whining about the shot. 🙂 I really should think a little harder about my duties as a Christian before I come in here to vent. 🙂
Philippians 2:14-16 (NIV) ~
Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16as you hold out[a] the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.