In my spare time (as if), I am one of the hosts of the Homeschool Blog Awards website. Earlier this year we had the belated 2006 awards. It was a learning process and I’m hoping to have lots of help in making the 2007 awards even better.
The awards will hopefully start back up soon. By the end of fall, I’m hoping that we can take nominations for 2007’s up and coming homeschool blog stars. By December, we should all be voting again. Before Christmas break, we will have a new set of winners taking home a ton of prizes!
Being a homeschool mom (who just began her 6th year of teaching at home)… and having my own daily blog to keep up, there’s no way I can run the HSB Awards site without help. We are searching the net for willing participants with bloggish talent to help keep the HSB Awards Site going full speed. We are also working on some ideas for the website and are hoping to start regular posting there soon. Be looking for our new authors as they join. Each of them will have their own “bio” page on the Homeschool Blog Awards Webpage.
If you are interested in contributing and would like to find out more about this project, please email me (find my info under my contact link in the sidebar)!
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Blogging, Homeschool Blog Awards, Fun, Education, Contest, Homeschool, Nomination, Home School, Favorites, Teaching, Blogs, Blog Awards, Awards, Parenting, Weblogs, Friends
I am rejoining the homeschool crowd this year for the third time. I have some insight from having children in schools at military bases, charter schools, and homeschooling. We are homeschoolers for life now unless the Lord should lead otherwise.
I would be willing to help out in anyway I can.
God bless,
Great! I’ve linked.
Oh good! All of you did such a wonderful job last time.
Abiding in the Vine!
What a cool idea! We homeschoolers need to have a place to call our own! Thanks for putting this together.
For a contributor you might want to consider “” Her stuff always cracks me up!
Awww, shucks! You guys are great. Looking forward to another great year. I’m pleased with the response for helpers and hope to get everyone plugged in quickly!
Ann – by the way, I did ask DeeDee of Fiddledeedee to help, but I’m not sure if she can take on another commitment. She’s a great lady.