I got back from a women’s retreat last night with a friend’s church. The theme of the retreat was “Spiritual Warfare”. I am still reeling from the weekend and feel so profoundly moved by all the lessons shared. It is a fantastic thing to see women getting real – no matter what happens to your mascara in the process. We cried and laughed together… and got to know each other… despite our different churches, different walks of life, different colors of skin, and different personalities. Above all – I felt Jesus in that place. He was working on our hearts.
The photo above was taken at the retreat this weekend. Another one of God’s masterpieces painted just for me. The one below was right outside my cabin door… a butterfly came to visit and stayed long enough for me to snap a close-up.
I wish that I could share with you all of the things I learned and took home from the retreat, but I don’t have enough room here and not enough energy to type it all out! I have to get back to my homeschooling and unpacking. I just wanted to encourage you all to go to the next retreat your friends invite you to. Make a point to plan ahead for the next ladies’ retreat at your church. Save up your money in a can on your night stand for the year so you won’t have finances as an excuse not to go. It will be well worth your while.
The kids woke up this morning with sinus trouble and I let them take a long nap after they had allergy medicine and breakfast. After lunch we started doing some homeschooling and chores. We’re doing a “half-day” today. I am going to grade papers and plan the next unit before dinner. Speaking of dinner… I promise to try and get over to my recipe blog this week and post something for you. Tonight we are having Zesty Baked Oregano Chicken, Greek Salad, Lebanese Rice Pilaf, Hummus with Pita Bread, and Kalamata Olives.
Everyone who has emailed me with interest in participation with the Homeschool Blog Awards website should get an email from me this week with updates. I’m working to get you all set up in the system as contributors. Hopefully we can get that project underway soon.
I’ll leave you with a small fact that one of the speakers at the retreat this weekend mentioned in a sermon about prayer:
“A ship’s rudder can only turn the ship if it is MOVING”
That really stuck with me. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut. Don’t be stagnant and prayerless. Keep moving forward (even if it is baby steps) and stay in the Word so you can know where to put the next foot. May the Lord bless your week!
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Buzz Words: women, retreat, Christianity, life, weekend, faith, encouragement, blog awards, homeschool, praise, sahm, Jesus, God, Homeschooling, Bible, rut, church, Family
I completely agree about going to Ladies Retreats. I always come home with a better spirit that I went with.
I go to one next month, just in time to drive through a snow storm I’m sure.
I hope you won’t have a snowstorm! It was so hot outside here in TX this weekend that our make-up was running off. I think I would prefer the snow. Or maybe not, on second thought. Maybe a happy medium? Just cold enough for hot chocolate, campfires and sweaters? So… let’s say early December here! Hahaha.
– Sprittibee
Thanks for sharing. Our retreat is about the seasons in a woman’s life and will be at the end of October. Snow is a definitely possibility. Of course, Glen Eyrie in the snow, at a ladies’ retreat . . . pretty awesome setting, if you ask me!
I’m definitely in the throes of spiritual warfare at the moment. It’s really no surprise, though. We just wrapped up Ephesians chapter 6 at church. We just started the Daniel study on Friday. The retreat is about 6 weeks away. My son is sick. Having a tough time balancing homeschool, the house, etc. Hmmm . . . I think someone is trying to derail me. 😀
BTW – whatever help I can offer with HSBA, let me know. I’m quite illiterate when it comes to bloggy/html stuff. I don’t post anything great about HS, if anything at all. So I’m not sure that you can use me. But feel free to ask! Maybe my job will be prayer warrior. 😉
I am glad you had such a wonderful time at the retreat!
The quote you shared was timely because our pastor recently shared the same thing! In regard not only to prayer, but also to being active in our relationship with the Lord. He will direct as we are MOVING, but if we sit still waiting with no effort to connect with Him–we are stuck!!
Thanks for sharing!
Greetings. I love your blog. I especially like your baptism blog, which is a rare gem to find these days. Blessings to you, my fellow Texan. I’m stuck in Florida for the time being, which is a fun place to be stuck, but it’s not home. We’ll be home soon.
God bless you today.
bunnyfunnymomunny… Snow is dangerous, isn’t it? 😉 Us Texans don’t know what to do with snow – other than take pictures and make ankle-high snow men that disappear overnight. 😉 LOL
YOU WANT TO HELP WITH HSBA? How sweet! As soon as I get my act together, I’ll get you an email.
Wendyfendybobendy… Isn’t it neat how God works in people’s lives around you to show you that He is in the details? It is so strange that most times I read a scripture, I hear someone quoting the same thing I read in the day or two afterwards!
Allyjo’s Mamasita – Thanks for the kind words. Sorry you are stuck in Florida. I would sure love to visit there, though… (again). I went once as a kid (12) to Disney World with a rich friend who’s daddy got us our own hotel room and let us stay in a hotel with a monorail in it for 3-4 days while we toured the park. It was sooooooooo fun! I would never let my kids do that in this day and age, though. We were all by ourselves in that huge park at 12 and 11 years old!!!! CRAZEE.