It has been a while since I did a contest here. I know you cyber-chicks are all just itching to win something (and hey – you have much better odds here at Sprittibee’s Blog than you do at your local State Lotto). So, if you are a lurker, please de-lurk to at least take a shot at winning the prize. You can’t win unless you post a comment!
The prize for this contest is brand new pair of your very own snazzy Wedge Clogs from Easy Spirit. A girl has to look great while her feet are ‘walking on air’. Seriously, aren’t Easy Spirit some of the most comfortable shoes on the planet? They sure made Desiree Stimpert’s top 8 comfort list on – so I am not the only one who thinks they are great for your footsies. We all need shoes, so why not get a pair for free?! These clogs are wonderful for moms who are on the go and need to slip something on and run (without sacrificing comfort and fashion-smarts). Put those Crocks back in your summer storage, ladies… it’s time for some fall style.
Here’s how to win:
1. Click over to Easy Spirit’s e Collection and tell me which shoe is your favorite (and why) here in my comment section. Can a shoe tell a lot about a person’s personality type? I don’t know, but it will be fun to find out. Honestly, this takes one minute, ladies… please join the fun!
2. Post a blog post about the Taking Great Steps Contest on your blog linking both my post and Easy Spirit’s e Collection as active hyperlinks in your post. This post can contain other content as well… but you have to mention the contest, the Wedge Clog, and link your readers back to both hyperlinks above. Maybe you homeschool moms can write about the “steps” you take in following your daily schedule, your morning chore list, your goals for the school year… and just throw in a few links for us to qualify your post to win! Be creative and post a photo of your nastiest pair of shoes and why you really need to win. Make us laugh.
3. Pass the word on. This is a random drawing, so there won’t be any judging. The more people, the merrier. Plus… I really do want to know which shoes are your very favorite! You don’t have to look like Mrs. Upside-Down-Seductive-Shoe-Lady to look great in a pair of these clogs.
How Easy is that? Now hop to it! You have two weeks to get it done. The contest ends at midnight (Central Time) on Monday, September 24th. All posts and comments must be posted before that time to be counted. My kids will be randomly selecting a winner for me and the winner will be announced on Tuesday the 25th of September.
Have fun window shopping for now!
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Buzz Words: shoes, fall, fashion, homeschool, clothing, contest, win, free, goodies, fun, design, style, blogging, merchandise
I like fortunate best, because it just seems to say “Jen!”. 🙂
I like ‘Josta’ the best because I need some black short boots for the winter.
Thanks for this contest! 🙂
Pure Beauty in the gray patent leather! CUTE. It says young and city-stylish but still comfy. Could be dressed up or down so I would, honestly, be more likely to buy these than any of the other pairs because I like my shoes to go a long way. I pick the gray because HOW CUTE?
blogged at
I had to pipe in. I’m loving hearing your favorites. I have to click over to go see which ones you like each time someone posts. I like the Wedge Clog they are giving away (featured on my post), and I also like the black boot. I am a boot FREAK. You should see all my groovy boots. They all need some TLC, though. I tend to keep shoes until they mutate or fall apart.
Here’s a list of my awesome boots:
Black under the knee boots from 9west
Brown generic under the knees
Brown grannie boots with string-ties
Tan Bass ankle-boots with black soles
2 pairs of rubber cowboy boots from Skechers (love ’em!)
So now you know my shoe problem, ladies. I need to use LJC’s shoe storage method and get my closet floor’s act together. 😉 I can’t wait to read everyone else’s favorites…
I liked “Clarice”…i definately could use some boots this winter!
Cool contest, Heather!
The “Premuroso” is very pretty. I love dainty shoes with a sexy ankle lace. However, since I’ve niether dainty feet nor sexy ankles, I’ll go with the “Gobo,” in black. Somehow “Gobo clog” just sounds like a better fit.
It’s gotta be CLARICE. Its so cute, just wondering if its as comfortable as it is great looking. But since it is an Easy Spirit it has to be. But I could easily go with the Wedge Clog. Easy off, easy on, sounds good to me.
I want to say the clarice, because it is my oldests name, but as cute as it is, not my style. So After looking through, the gobo grabbed my attention. Stylish, comfortable, quick to put on and off (which is a must with small ones), and yeah, more of my personality.
I like Fortunate the most. They look comfortable, not too fancy–a good fit with what I normally wear!
Hello deary! I posted about it.. though I won’t win.. I don’t usually win contests, but post about them anyways! lol!
Ok… and the pair I like is… drumroll…. black “clogging”. Why? Because I need a good pair of shoes to go out in, and wear with either my jean skirts or my more dressy one. Maybe then Amanda won’t think I dress so much like a tomboy with my t-shirts and tennieshoes. ; )
Love you!
I like the clogs. After 3 months in flip-flops they just say “Fall”. Love ’em.
I posted about this at
I also posted my fav. shoes from the Easy Spirit site but they are Josta, Clogging and Cakewalk.
Thanks for the contest. This is fun.
I like the storia. They looked comfy and casual. Great contest!
I like the Mantel, it comes in two great colors although I would probably go with the natural leather as I already have a pair of black shoes, ballet flats will go with anything and go anywhere, and they are so comfy.
I’ll post on my blog later today or tomorrow. I am suppose to be cleaning windows.
I love the clogs because I just love clogs, but CLARICE is my favorite. I’m in the market for boots and I think I just found the right pair! 😀 Scrunchy, not too tall, (sounds a lot like me!) without looking like something I wore in the 80s.
I blogged my shoe story @
Thanks Sprittibee, you have a lovely blog and I enjoyed your Bless Your Feet posts.
Clarice for me too! These boots are made for walkin’…
Cool contest! Thanks!
I love shoes… it’s so hard to choose a favorite!!! From the e collection I especially like Clogging, Integral, and Impulso. If I have to pick just one I’ll say Impulso, because I just decided yesterday that I “need” a new pair of black dress shoes for this winter.
Thanks for sharing the contest!
I would be looking VERY sassy in a pair of Gobo’s!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Here is the link to my post.
Sorry I forgot the link the first time.
I lie the Gobo in Dark brown leather. They would be good with my skort. 😉
I love the Karri pumps…very stylish and great for work Blessings.
Hey! Thanks for another fun contest…. I’m lovin the Muestra’s in black. Look like some modern but comfortable, “run around after the kids” shoes! But the clogs their giving away are awesome too!
I’ve posted about the contest on my blog. 😀
Keep-em coming gals! 😉 I’m enjoying reading your posts and comments. Can’t wait to find out who wins!!!
Love, Sprittibee
I’ll be checking back next week to find out who won!!
Definitely “Clogging” for me!
Being busy means needing fast shoes for casual or dress! Those clogs are perfect! Besides my old clogs really look sad. 🙁
I really love bloggin’ about these cloggin’ shoes! Hope I win these for my mom!
okay, I really want those shoes for me…my mom doesn’t really want them that much, she says she’d rather I try to win them for myself.
My fav shoes on the site were the Vallorie sandals, because I love sandals as they are as close to barefoot as I can get. And I loved these in particular because they’ve got a bit of a heel to them 🙂
I blogged about the contest here
Lovin’ the clogs! I meant to comment earlier but just forgot. Now off to add to my blog.
Hi dear!
I absolutely have to participate in your contest. I have a slight shoe problem too… I don’t have enough! :o)
I like the ‘Clarice’ best. Why? 1. Because I am short and they would give me some height.
2. They are black and I need black shoes.
3. They have a pointed toe which creates the fashion illusion that I am taller.
4. I hear they are really comfortable.
5. They are just soooo cute and funky!
I like the cakewalk ones. They look comfy enough to wear everywere yet dressy enough to wear somewere nice. And they look easy to slip on and off which is integral when one is preg with #5! fast easy and cute!
I like the Adonis. The red ones of course. They are cute and funky at the same time. Very ME!
Love the Iras. Tall for short people and look comfy. I always were that style.
I like Adonis, I have been looking at some like those for a while. I also like Aster and Travelfur. I love my Crocs, and I love clogs. I need a new confy pair!
Thanks for the contest!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.