I wanted to give everyone a heads-up before the changes start rolling in here at my blog. My plans are to re-categorize most of my posts and that will require me re-posting all of them, one by one. They won’t be re-posted on my blog, but if you are reading my blog through EMAIL or RSS feed (such as bloglines or feedburner, etc.), be prepared to see a long line of older posts.
I’m also going to be doing a little house-keeping by looking through links to make sure they are working, updating my favorites list of previous posts, adding some things to my sidebars, and possibly doing a little bit of design work.
Don’t worry, I can’t afford a total re-design yet… so those of you who told me to “leave it alone” because you liked it the way it was… you’ll get your wish for now! Eventually I’ll be moving to my own server, redesigning the blog with my own graphics, and adding a few features I’ve been dreaming of since not long after I started blogging two years ago.
I appreciate your patience during my “construction” and for your continued visits. You are really a blessing to me. It feels good to know that I can help someone else… even if it is just to share a homeschool link, encourage someone who is down, or laugh with you about something. I also wanted to thank those who comment… because it is through those comments that I get to know you. Don’t be bashful – please drop a note in the comments box if you have something to add. Even if I don’t respond to each comment, I am smiling and nodding in the background as I listen to what you have to say.
Have a great week!
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Buzz Words: blog, Blogging, blog design, changes, updates, bloggers, Weblogs, personal
Hey, I can’t find your phone number, so I may need you to e-mail it to me. I’m glad you had a nice time at the Ladies Retreat this past weekend. Sounds like a great time. I’ve never been to one – I’ve had a baby or been pregnant pretty much since I’ve been a Christian. I won’t be doing coop this year. If you’ve been keeping up with my blog you know that I’m having health issues with Emmie. It’s a season of scaling back and focusing on the basics here. I hope you’re doing well. Let’s catch up sometime soon.
Sorry to hear that about Emmie, Renae. I’ll pray she gets better and will check in to find out what is up with her on your blog. Hope that maybe next year you can get involved in co-op and maybe even go to the ladies retreat! There were so many different churches represented there. It was truly amazing.
Heather, I haven’t checked your posts since the Catblogging one on Aug 13th. I was thinking about your journey and looked up your blog. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of the baby. God works in mysterious ways. It is great to hear how encouraging Kaden was to you.
We are doing the KONOS Virtual Co-op again this year. The first unit is on explorers and it is awesome! I love watching the videos with Jessica. I did get to work with her for three days at the FPEA homeschool convention in Orlando over Memorial Day weekend. She is a dynamo.
It is always enjoyable to read your posts!
May God bless your family and give you rest and peace, Sue in Orlando FL
Hi Sue. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words. Yeah, I like my kids more every day. I can’t imagine a parent who would willingly turn them over to someone else to let those precious 8 hours a day with them go! Just think of it… you get an average 80 years and only about 18 with your kids. Such a pitiful waste to let any time slip by! My son is already nearing 11, and I’m just having such a hard time imagining that sweet little chunk of my life as being over! I’m so happy to be able to homeschool.
Thanks for the encouragement. I’m so intimidated by Jessica that I haven’t actually introduced myself to her. I have met her husband once at a book fair – and have seen him talk before… but the one time I actually saw Jessica, I couldn’t bring myself to even go introduce myself to her. 🙂 LOL Fancy that… me, the big mouth, being speechless. 😉 Stranger things have happened. I’m actually an introvert and very reserved – even though some people tell me they “don’t see it”.